TEMPUS UM-JEP 13352-98


(prepared by the coordinator and containing mainly activities of the coordination unit)

Spring 1998. Organization of the consortium. Preparation, presentation of the application (for details see

December 1998. Information (non-official) about the acceptation of the project. TEMPUS preliminary meeting (with the participation of the coordinator and financial coordinator). Contacts with the consortium members.

January 4. 1999. Arrival of the official acceptation. Final variant of the contract (Rector's signature, bank account etc.).

January 6, 1999. Meeting (M. Perger, P. Moson). General discussion of the main tasks. Preparation of the TUB project launching meeting with A. Penninger (director,TUB, International Education Center). Minutes (eml060199).

January, 1999. Preliminary consultations with consortium members (Th. Pfau Jan4; Ch. Sol Jan7, Jan 12; T: Zupko Jan 13, 26; Gy. Szabo Jan 13, 26.). Home pages of the consortium members: TU Budapest (coordinator), CNAM, Ingénieurs 2000, Dunaferr, Mikosz.

January 13, 1999. Meeting(PM, MP, PA /informed by phone/). The decisions included in Minutes 060199 has been accepted. Main points:

The date of the Consortium meeting (February 4-6, 1999) has been fixed. Proposal for the program, invited persons. Minutes (eml130199).

January 20-21, 1999. "Technical University 2000" -Conference. The alternative education of engineers was an important part in 1 of the 3 plenary lectures delivered by István Horváth (DUNAFERR, president-director general). Andras Benedek (Ministry of Education, vice secretary of state) presented new financial methods for the training.

January 20-22, 1999. Final variant of the program of "Alternating Education Day /05.02.99/, and Consortium meeting: Friday, February 5, 1999. Seregélyes, Hungary ˇ presentation of the experience in "sandwich type education", ˇ future of the alternating education, ˇ objectives and activities of TEMPUS project. (Thursday - discussions, Saturday - Consortium Meeting). Preparation and delivery of invitations (Hungarian, French variant).

January 29, 1999. Meeting (PA, MP, G. Halász - vice dean, Faculty of Mechanical engineering). Discussion about the unification of alternative education on faculty level. Involvement of further participants into the project (e.g. J: Lógó).

February 3, 1999. Meeting (PA, PM, MP). Final program of Consortium meeting and Alternative education day.

February 4-6, 1999. Consortium meeting and Alternative education day. Invitation, program, TUB experience, discussion topics, agenda of consortium meeting.

February 5. The program of "Alternative Education Day" was carried out successfully. Among the participants there were representatives of Ministry of Education (heads of departments: Dr. J. Reffy, Dr. P. Soltesz), enterprises, other higher education institutions (having experience in alternative education: Miskolci Egyetem, Eötvös József Főiskola, Széchenyi István Főiskola, consortium members, international partners. See list of participants, detailed minutes.

As a short summary of the meeting it was stated:

ˇ the methodology of alternative education can be adapted to Hungarian circumstances,

ˇ the financial question will be solved soon (by the modification of the law about the use of the vocational education tax). This fact is partly the result of the activities of our consortium members.

ˇ It is the time to create the organizational structure of the alternative education both on university (it is the main objective of this TEMPUS JEP) and national level (in this context it was proposed to inform the minister of education /Mr. Zoltan Pokorni/ about these activities and ask him to organize a National Committee on Alternative Education.

February 6. The consortium (all partners were represented) discussed the whole project and especially in details the activities related to the period (Dec. 98-Oct.99). The main decisions:

ˇ Documentation (writer; reader): general (PM; DL), faculties (LJ; G. Halász), tutors (PM; Moróné Zupkó Timea, DL), enterprises (PM; Moróné Zupkó Timea, Szabó Gyula), Students (PM; Vámosi András). Reader for the whole documentation (PA). Home style PM. Deadlines: for writers: March 1, March 10; for readers: March 20, March 31. Introduction Jozsef Reffy.

ˇ Trainings, meetings abroad (Paris). For the members of enterprise network (May 14-20), for the members of university network (June 11-17), consortium (Oct. 15). Meetings with German partners are under discussion.

ˇ Extension. On national level (see letter to the minister above), include the Miskolc University (letter to Á. Döbröczöni, vice-rector).

February 11, 1999. (PA, PM, MP) The Rector of TUB (Prof. Ákos Detrekői) was informed about the activities of the project. It was decided to discuss the topics on the March 1 meeting of the Rector's Council (based on a written proposal). Mr. Detrekői's letter to inform the minister of education /Mr. Zoltan Pokorni/ was sent.

February 8-21, 1999. Further activities in the realization of the project (carriyng out the decisions of consortium meeting, preparation of purchase of equipment, of the conventions with colleagues for different tasks /staff; project management; writers, readers of documentation/; dates and programs of training etc.).

March 1, 1999. Meeting of the Rector's Council. The alternative education plans were presented to the members (vice-rectors, deans etc.) by the rector based on a short summary. The council decided to create a Committee headed by vice-rector Ferenc Vörös. Dr. Janos Logo (Alternating Education Office) will be a member of this committee.

March 2, 1999. Dr. G. Halász (vice-dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) has prepared a document (in Hungarian) on the organization of alternating education on faculty level.

March, 1999. Preparation of basic documentation. Instructions for writers, readers. Visit of M. Perger to Paris (program).Final dates of the meeting of industrial network: Paris, May 15-19. Preliminary list of enterprise representatives. Hungarian Higher Education Program Development. Application for support of new engineering modules (coordinator: J. Lógó, TUB).

April, 1999.

Beginning of the work of Alternating Education Committee of TUB. Opening meeting (April 6) headed by vice-rector F. Vörös (participants: vice deans of the faculties). The unified structure of alternating education was discussed, faculty representatives were nominated.

Preparation (administrative, financial) of the training of enterprise delegation. Modification of the documentation (see Febr. 4-6.): general (PM; DL), faculties (LJ; PA), industrial tutors (PM; Moróné Zupkó Timea, DL), academic tutors (LJ; Moróné Zupkó Timea, DL), enterprises (PM; Moróné Zupkó Timea, Szabó Gyula), Students (LJ; Vámosi András). Reader for the whole documentation (PA).

Discussion of the state of art of the Hungarian alternating education in Paris (P. Soltesz /Ministry of Education/, Ch. Sol /CNAM/, J-S. Chantome /Ing. 2000/). Proposal for the extension of the list of enterprise delegation.

Spring 1999. International activities related to the project

Conference. Presentation of alternating education at the Ostrava Conference (ICEE 99 / Progress Through Partnerships: Strengthening Alliances with Central and Eastern European Countries). Abstract of the accepted lecture by Ch. Sol, P. Moson. Transparents of the lecture on August 11 (Section S11). Full text of the the paper (authors: SOL&Moson).

EU Leonardo program. Presentation of a project (March 22, 99) prepared Cl. Maury (CEFI, France): "Methodology for evaluation of student placement in companies abroad". TUB is a participant together with universities of UK, Germany, Portugal, Sweden.

Practical and international placement forms. The new TUB Alternating Education Office is interested in joining to different European initiatives related to university-enterprise educational cooperation. In this context the possibility of cooperation in "EUFORIA" (participation at a plenary meeting in Suze-La-Rousse) and "n+1" (participation at a plenary meeting in London /May 28, 99/, discussion about joint activities, Leonardo project in Paris /June 17, 99/) projects is investigated by the coordinator.

Study of other alternative educational forms (ENSAM, Jun. 17, Ms. Boutillon, Mr. Trotignon; ENPC, Jun. 19, Mr. Colleu)

April 15-16. Visit of the coordinator to Miskolc. The participation of the Miskolc University in the alternating education project was discussed with Dr. Imre Török. The extension of the results to the North-Eastern Hungarian Region and further co-operations were investigated with László Molnár.

 April 20. First meeting of the network of faculty representatives. The meeting was chaired by J. Lógó. He presented the plans of TUB and distributed 2 working papers (general presentation of alternating education, the role of university). Peter Moson summarized the history of activities, Maria Perger talked about the enterprise relations. It was decided that in a two weeks time the details would be discussed with all faculties. The names of participants of June training (June 12-16) will be determined in this period as well.

Final list of the participants of enterprise training (May 15-19). Detailed program (in Hungarian). Addresses of meetings, contact persons. Information material distributed to the Hungarian delegation members.

TUB TANOK Alternating Education Office (List of staff, description of activities).

May 7, 1999. 2nd meeting of network of faculty representatives. (12 participants). The 2nd variant about the general conditions on TUB level of the alternative education was discussed. Final list of delegation for Paris training (June 12-16).

May 15-19, 1999. Visit of Enterprise delegation to Paris was delivered successfully. Final program, list of participants.

May June 1999. Further work on documentation. Preparation of the visit of university delegation.

June 12-16, 1999. Visit of University delegation to Paris. Program (in Hungarian, in French), list of participants. The program has been carried out successfully (with some minor changes, eg. the presentation of the French alternative education on June 16 was made by Mr. Villoutreix /chargé de mission, Ministere de l'Education Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie/). Mr. Vörös (vice-rector of TUB) declared in his final summarizing speech that TUB would introduce the new alternative educational form in its regular program of engineering training.

July 14, 1999. Revised form of documentation. (in Hungarian). Information materials: general, faculties, tutors, enterprises, students.

Activities planned for the Fall Semester:

- TUB university meetings (University Council, Faculty Representatives, Common modules /communication, management) August, September 99.

- Experimental use of documentation. Printed variants of information materials.

- Extension on country level (Conference in Vasszécsény, November 11-14, 1999)

ˇ Consortium meeting (October 15, 1999 CANCELLED, it will be held in Vasszécsény on November 11, 99); other international meeting (in Hannover organized by the German partner - December, January 1999-2000)

September 15, 99. Meeting of the TUB Alternating Education Office. (See minutes in Hungarian as well.) Participants: A. Penninger /director/, J. Lógó, P. Moson, M. Perger, I. Varga.

Main topics discussed:

ˇ general evaluation of the alternating education at TUB and the TEMPUS project,

ˇ detailed investigation of Activities 1-4. of the TEMPUS project,

ˇ current issues (preparation for the conference at Vasszécsény: program, invitation etc.)

ˇ further development (extension to other Hungarian universities by informing the Rector's Conference, to other Central European countries, cooperation with EU partners etc.),

ˇ personal and financial decisions.

Summary: The development of the alternating education corresponds to the plans, it is clear that this new educational form will be a standard part of the Hungarian engineering training.

September 20, 99. Visit of Dr. Pfau (IBISTRA) to Budapest. The dates of Hannover meeting has been fixed (January 22-26, Saturday-Wednesday, 2000). The number of participants is about 10. Dr. Pfau will send soon the detailed program. Another cooperation forms in alternating education (concerning students in informatics) were discussed as well).

September 21, 99. Meeting of TUB Alternative Office. (LJ, PM, MP). J. Lógó informed about the beginning of the current year alternative education. A new letter is proposed to the vice secretary of state Mr. Adam Kiss, who answered the letter sent to the minister of education (Mr. Pokorni) in February. M. Perger informed about the preparations of the Alternating Conference. This event will be a part of the "FRANKOFORUM" (TU Budapest, October 28, 99). According to the plans the main participants are: Mr. H. Lebreton (counselor of the French Embassy), Mr. G. Malglaive, Mr. A. Penninger (presentation of the French, Hungarian experience), Mr. J-S. Chantome (moderator).

October 99. Preparation of the planned events. Invitation (in Hungarian, French, English) to the Vasszecseny meeting. Dr. Reffy's introduction to the alternating education. List of invited persons (october 13, 99).

October 28, 99. Francoforum. (Technical University of Budapest). Part of the program: Engineering education- the role of alternative training (program). The chairman of the program was Mr. H. Lebreton (councillor, Frenh Embassy). Mr. G. Malglaive (Ingenieurs2000) presented the experience of his organization in alternating training. Mr. A. Penninger's contribution was devoted to the Hungarian adaptation, especially to the university management part, Mr. P. Soltesz announced the plans of the Hungarian government. The invited speeches were followed by an active discussion (contribution of large, small enterprises, students participating in the training etc.). The interesting event lasted more than 2 hours, the number of participants exceeded 50.

September-October 1999. Development of the Unified Legal Status of the Alternating Education at TUB Level. The question was discussed several times at the meetings of faculty vice-deans. The main events:

ˇ Sept. 29, 99. Dr. J. Logo presented the proposal prepared by the Alternating Education Office. A 3 member committee (Dr. K. Molnár, dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. J. Topár, responsible for the alternative education of the Faculty of Economical and Social Sciences, Dr. J. Lógó vice-director of Alternative Education Office /TANOK) was asked for the investigation of the educational form after the modification of the law about the professional education tax. The committee will send their proposals in a letter to the Ministry of Education.

ˇ Oct. 20, 99. After a detailed discussion and modifications a final document was accepted about the organization of alternative education on the university level.

November 3, 1999. 2nd, detailed program (in English, Hungarian) of the Vasszecseny meeting, which will be probably an important event in the policy making related to alternative education. List of participants (Nov. 5, 99).

November 11-13, 1999. Conference in Vasszécsény (consortium meeting, extension of alternative education mainly to other higher educational institutions). Final list of participants. Documentation distributed to the participants: Final program to the invited guests, to the consortium members (in Hungarian), to the foreign guests (in English). Consortium meeting: program (in Hungarian), activities (in English). Realisation of the training on university level (in Hungarian): introduction, detailed description,law about the professional education tax.

The program of the conference was successfully carried out. The number of participants was 37 (5 foreign specialists, 23 representatives from 9 Hungarian higher educational institutions, 6 enterprise specialists, 3 members of the Ministry of Education). According to the plans on Friday morning the opening words of the coordinator were followed by the detailed introduction of the participants (presenting their earlier results and further plans in alternating education). The main event of the morning session was the plenary lecture of Dr. J. Reffy (head of Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education). The Friday afternoon was devoted to the presentation and discussion of the results obtained by the consortium of the TEMPUS project (contributions of all consortium partners). Saturday morning the conference was divide in 2 sessions. In Session 1. the presentation of results was continued (common modules /English and native communication/, contribution of former and recent students). Session 2. was the consortium meeting. The coordinator summarized the activities. The consortium members evaluated positively the work done. The main new propositions (additionally to the activities described by the coordinator) accepted are (deadlines): (i) participation of representatives of TUB Alternating Office at the meeting organized by MIKOSZ about the financial aspects of the training (this year); translation of information materials into French and German languages. Objective: inform the joint enterprises. (February 2000); Preparation of the next meeting in Hannover. Each partner will present a list for the extension to the Eastern-Central European Region (January 22-26, 2000).

December 1999. Regular work of the Committee of Faculty Representatives.

December 17. Meeting of Th. Pfau (IBISTRA) with the coordinator (Budapest). The detailed program of Hannover meeting was discussed. Main elements of the proposed program: Discussion of the Reports (Year 1, Annual, financial, impact reports). Extension of the alternative training to the Central-Eastern European Countries (final list of invited institutions for the meeting in May 2000 proposed by the consortium members). PR activities (in Hungary, French, German materials). German related activities: cooperation with German enterprises, chambers (presented by IBISTRA); meeting with German academic sector - discussion of the state of art of alternative training; general presentation of IBISTRA; visit to the EXPO 2000. Probable list of participants (consortium members): Ch. Sol (CNAM, France), J-S. Chantome (Ingénieurs 2000, France), Th. Pfau (IBISTRA), A.K. Szalafayné (Dunaferr), T. Szente (Dunatáj Editing Company), Gy. Szabó (MIKOSZ), F. Vörös /vice-rector/, M. Perger, I. Varga, J. Lógó, P. Moson (TU Budapest). The preparations of the visit (e.g.) reservation of plane tickets follow the plans.

December 20. Dunaújváros. Meeting organized by MIKOSZ about the financial aspects of alternating education (see Summary of Vasszécsény Conference). Istvan Sum (Head of Department, Ministry of Education) presented the new law, which would permit to enterprises a partly financing of alternating engineering education. (For details see Minutes prepared by the financial coordinator of the project.)

January, 2000. Preparation of the Hannover Meeting (January 22-26, 2000). Final variant of the program. Preliminary (working) variants of information materials in French, German.Program of the meeting (in Hungarian). Presentation of the coordinator.

The name of coordinating institution is different (from January 1, 2000): Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE).

January 22-26, Hannover. Consortium meeting. The meeting was successfully carried out. Final list of participants: Ch. Sol (CNAM, France), J-S. Chantome (Ingénieurs 2000, France), Th. Pfau (IBISTRA), A.K. Szalafayné, G. Füredi (Dunaferr), J. Simon (MIKOSZ), F. Vörös /vice-rector/, M. Perger, I. Varga, J. Lógó, P. Moson (BUTE). The program was according to the plans (see Dec. 17, 1999 in English, Jan. 2000 in Hungarian). The main decisions of the consortium:

Extension to Central-Eastern European Countries. The meeting will be on May 25-28, 2000 at Visegrad (Hungary). The participants (mainly university representatives and their industrial partners) will be invited from the following countries (additionally to the consortium members) Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia. The two steps invitation process will be ended by March 15. The information material about the alternative education will be translated into English as well.

Hannover University. The delegation of the Hannover University (headed by Dr. Liselotte Glade, Vice-president) presented to the consortium members different international and practice oriented activities of the university (e.g. Dr. Hans Schroeder: industrial relations, research catalogue, Leonardo projects; Dr. Herman Reuke /ZEVA/ evaluation, quality assurance activities; Dr. Martina Michel /re/training program "Mit Leibniz zu Bahlsen" ). The activities of the consortium were introduced by F. Vörös (vice-rector, BUTE), more detailed presentations were given by P. Moson and C. Sol. An interest in cooperation was formulated by both sides. It was decided that the University of Hannover will be invited to the May 25-28 meeting.

Projects. Dr. Koch (Global Market, Initiative 21) presented a need in specialists in informatics of the German small and medium side enterprises. The consortium will investigate the creation of a project for these activities. Dr. Koch was invited for a visit to Hungary by BUTE and Dunaferr. Some other projects (related mainly to students' mobility) were discussed as well.

IBISTRA. The participants visited the headquarters of organization whose part is the German consortium member IBISTRA.

February 2000. Final variant of the information material prepared mainly for the foreign enterprises, educational institutions (in French - edited by Ch. Sol) .

February 15, 2000. Report of the 1st year. Revised budget and activity plan.

March, April 2000.

Preparation of the conference at Visegrad (May 25-28). Invitation letter. Main objective: regional extension of the alternating education.

Presentation of the results at the ICEE 2000 (International Conference on Engineering Education). Abstract (accepted) of the paper: "Ch. Sol, P. Moson: Alternative Training of Engineers. Extension."

BUTE: Activities related to the final administrative structure. Preparation of the new modules (beginning: September 2000).

Other related activities.

Presentation of 2 Leonardo projects as the consequence of the decision at the Hannover meeting. Project 1. (mobility) Foreign training of informaticians - prospective small entrepreneurs (INFGERM - MOBILITY). Summary of its objectives. Project 2. (pilot) Alternative training of informaticians - prospective small entrepreneurs in International cooperation (INFGERM). Its summary.

Preparation of the participation of Hungarian students in the "n+1" program (approx. 20 candidates, selection, legal and organizational preparation of the beginning in September 2000).

Contractual period of the Pilot Project Leonardo " MESIPA " (Methodology for the evaluation of student industrial placements abroad).

AGORA (meeting organized by the rector of BUTE about the strategic plan of the university. The letter sent by the coordinator).

May 2000.

Preliminary list of participants of the Visegrad Conference (extension to the Central-Eastern European region). Final program.

The role of alternative education in the BUTE Institution development Plan 2000 (first draft).

May 21-23, 2000. MAKING TRANSITION WORKS. Final Conference (program) on the Transition from Initial education to Working Life. Presentation of the project by the coordinator in Working Group 2. Combining Learning at School and at Work (Chair of the section: Peter Soltész, Rapporteur: János Lógó).

May 25-28, 2000. Visegrad Conference (extension to Central-Eastern Europe). The conference was held according to the program. The participants received the English variant of the general information about the alternating education. The consortium members (BUTE, CNAM, Dunaferr, Ibistra) presented their earlier activities and proposed an international cooperation. As a beginning a feasibility study will be carried out, based on a common document. There were representatives from 8 regional countries interested in these activities.

June 16-17, 2000. Seregelyes Conference (extension to Hungarian enterprises). At this event (organized by M. Perger) the alternative education was presented to a large number of interested Hungarian enterprises. Followed the presentation of the participants M. Perger, J. Logo, G. Füredi, L. Dunai contributed on the topic. 7 responsibles of the different faculties of BUTE (Mr. Dunai, Parti, Szőke, Pipek, Árvai, Loványi, Topár) informed about the offer of the university. The participants received the new printed folder of the Alternating Education Office. The presentations were followed by a detailed discussion, especially about the financial aspects. it was decided that the office prepares different variants for the financing. The organized meetings were followed by informal disdussions.

Aug 14-18, 2000. Conference ICEE 2000. On Aug 14, 2000 P. Moson presented the joint paper: "P. Moson, Ch. Sol: Alternative training of engineers. Extension." at the ICEE 2000 (International Conference on Engineering Education) at Taipei, Taiwan. The aim of the paper was to present to the international community the results of the project and to look for new partners to the extension activities. (Because of the copyright agreement unfortunately we can not put here the paper on the Internet. General information about the ICEE conferences can be found on . The full paper is on the conference CD.)

Spring, Summer 2000. Activities related to the acceptation of the "Financial report of Year 1".

September 2000. Conference - Budapest October 7-9, 2000. Preparation of the part related to the creation of an alternative training network. Preparation of the final consortium meeting (Bordeaux, France October 21- 25).

October 7-9, 2000. Conference - Budapest. "Cooperation for human resources development in the Central and Eastern European countries for the European integration." organized by ETF anf the Hungarian Ministry of Education. Participants: representatives of regional NTI and DE networks. Part of the Sunday morning session was dedicated to the alternative training. The consortium members (F. Laulan /CNAM/, J. Lógó, P. Moson /BUTE/) presented different aspects of alternative training and the adaptation of French experience in Hungary. A regional cooperation (creation a network) has been proposed as well.

October 21-25, Bordeaux (F), Final consortium meeting. Main elements of the program: evaluation of the project activities (transparents of the coordinator) , presentation to specialists from Portugal, discussion of the follow up and further cooperation (especially related to the regional activities developed at the Visegrad and Budapest conferences - presented by P. Soltesz, Hungarian Ministry of Education; to the common Leonardo mobility project - presented by Th. Pfau, IBISTRA). Report of J. Lógó on the integration of Alternating Education Office into the BUTE Educational Directorate.

October 31, 2000. Extension. According to the decision of the consortium the coordinator sent a document to some Hungarian higher educatinal institutions involved earlier into the project. They were asked about their intent to participate in an extended activity and to answer some feasibility type questions. Deadline: November 10, 2000.

November 2000. Preparation of final Hungarian meeting.

November 30, 2000. TEMPUS conference, Budapest. (Resources development for the Hungarian Higher Education). The project was presented by Ms. Szalafay Klementz (Dunaferr) and J. Logo (BUTE).

Fall 2000, Fall-Winter 2000-01. Extension to Central-Eastern European Universities (activity organized by CNAM). As a part of this process Ch. Sol (CNAM) and P. Moson (BUTE) visited Vilnius (Lithuania, Dec. 16-19, 2000). P. Moson presented the Hungarian experience to the Gediminas Technical University.

January 19-21, 2001. Bakonybél, Hungary. Final meeting. Participants: BUTE university management staff; representatives of 3 Hungarian higher educational institutions /Dunaújváros, Pécs, Szeged/, who answered the questionnaire mention of October 31, 2000; some consortium members. Program: Summary of the project (P. Moson, J. Logo). Section 1. Final structure of the Alternative Education Unit (K. Molnar, vice-rector on education), Section 2. Network of Alternating Universities (J-S-Chantome, P. Moson).