Agenda of the Meeting « Programme n+1 »

London Friday, 28th , May , 1999

9.30- 10.00 Registration

10.00-10.15. Welcome, Apologies

10.15-11.00 Speeches of TCD and IEI , promoters of n+1 programme in UK and Ireland News and general information about n+1. MSc, MEng, MPhil what is possible for French Students ? Industrial placements. Position of Institutions (IMechE, IChemE, IEE, IEI)

11.00- 11.15 Coffee Break

11.15- 12.30 Meeting per topic

Presentation of participants

Debate about the ST ( Content of Courses, organisation, localisation, etc.)

Status of the Industrial partnerships

Ability of the Universities from UK and Ireland to accept students.

13.00- 13. 30 Lunch

13.30- 17.00 (or before) Continuation of the morning meetings

17.00 end of meetings

17.30 - 18.30 synthesis of the 3 meetings with Co-ordinators, promoters and anyone willing to participate.