Mellékelten megtalálja a CNAM által készített kérdőíveket.

( Alternáló képzés - A kérdőív/ Kompetencia bizonyítványok - B kérdőív)


Amennyiben az alternáló képzési együttműködésben kíván résztvenni, töltse ki az A kérdőívet.

Amennyiben a kompetencia bizonyítványokkal kapcsolatos együttműködés érdekli, töltse ki a B kérdőívet.

Természetesen mindkét együttműködésben részt vehet, ekkor kérjük mindkét kérdőívet kitölteni.


A kérdésekre kérjük, hogy értelemszerűen és tömören válaszoljon.


A kérdőívek angolul és részben franciául állnak rendelkezésre, válaszukat a két nyelv bármelyikén várjuk.


Kérem, hogy az intézmény részéről nevezzen meg egy kapcsolattartó személyt, elérhetőséggel ( cím, telefon, fax, e-mail) .A projekthivatalos nyelve várhatóan angol lesz, de a francia jellege miatt célszerű lenne, ha a kolléga legalább alapfokú francia nylvtudással rendelkezne.


A kitöltött kérdőívet kérjük november 10-ig visszaküldeni az alábbi címre, vagy emailre( az idő rövidsége miatt az email a preferált )



Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem

Dr.Moson Péter

1111 Budapest

Műegyetem rakpart 3.




Kérjük, hogy abban az esetben is értesítsenek, ha az együttműködésben nem kívánnak résztvenni.




Alternating and Vocational Training pre-Network

between CNAM (France)  and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC)



Meeting n° 2, hosted by Hungarian Ministry of Education

at Budapest on october 8, 2000




Introduction: Following your confirmed interest in above pre-Network constitution, as per Professor Charles SOL’s Proposal dated 2000/06/12, we wish to examine with you the conditions of development  of the various steps outlined in this paper. To begin with, the following questionnaires will help us to better assess the present situation, and our forces for the future.




I.                     PRESENT SITUATION.


Have you already practiced an alternating training? If yes, what kind?

Can you establish a list of companies in your area which could participate to alternating training?




In a given region, a project will be initiated by a university and a (or better several) company (ies); the participation of trade associations would be welcomed. From the definition of needs and competencies of each of them, the partners will build up a training program in the frame of alternation rules.

In answering the following questions, the partners and first the members of our pre-network will precise their field of interest, and get further explanations.


II.1. Questions about the general frame of the training.

Identification of the degree or of the certification (technician, engineer, or manager,…)

National, local or institution degree or certification?

Kind of job (secondary or tertiary area; traditional job or new job, new services)?

Pre-requisites to be applicant?

Duration of the overall training with alternation (1,2 or 3 years)?

Number of students?

Duration of this project ( permanent or temporary)?

Recruitment of alternating students only or also mixed recruitment (initial training and continuing training)?  

Would alternating students belong to a specific class, or be merged into regular ones?

National or local recruitment of applicants?

Setting-up of the final jury.


II.2. Questions linked to the participation of members of socio-economic field.

How the applicants would be recruited ? Would the partnering companies be associated?

How would the curriculum be established? What would be the place of the non-university members (trade associations, experts, human resources officers and other company executives) in this elaboration?

Would the curriculum be specific to alternating training?

What would be the pedagogic activity asked from the partnering companies?

What would be the conditions to pass a year, to obtain the degree? How would be integrated the apprenticeship periods outside the university?

What would be the forms of co-evaluation?

What would be the nature of the partnership contract between university and companies?

What would be the nature of the training contract? Would it imply employment issue after the training?         


II.3. Questions linked to structures and regulations.

Status of alternating student.

Financial situation of students: fellowships, salaries.

Financial resources of the training: state, companies, others..

Do you plan an Alternating Engineering Training Center with an office and also a board with companies and university members?

Internal and external communication policy.

Legislation framework for alternating training.


II.4. Questions on alternation pedagogy.

Tutorship function. Double tutorship: a university tutor and an industrial tutor.

Management of the tutoring system, tutor meetings…

Do you plan new educational method (deductive pedagogy, open and distance learning…)?

Do you plan a help to apprentices who have difficulties for the training?

How would be evaluated the academic sessions and the professional sessions?

Would you implement special educational program about communication, company management and foreign language?

Would you introduce foreign activities?





Here the problematical background is different: companies still play a special role, but they become above all the final customers, because either the trainees are their wagers during the training, or they aim at becoming so according to the needs of their future employers.

We recall to you the basic scheme of what could be developed in this area, and then ask you again to answer the following questionnaire, so as to prepare the meeting in an efficient manner, and raise appropriate questions and debates.

Basic scheme : “ Competence Certificates ” is regarded nowadays as one of the most suited forms of answering present needs of industrial / servicing companies willing to upgrade their human resources. The fields concerned may be of course specific scientific or engineering skills or beyond managerial ones such as logistics, maintenance, patents registration, commercial contracting, negotiation, purchasing, financial management, industrial management (re-engineering, automation of a production line).

Typically, these certificates would last between 12 and 18 months (corresponding to a workload of about 300 h of courses and lab hours or internships). They could be a step towards the obtainment of a complete degree. They have to be recognized as useful by the involved professional sectors.

These certificates could be preceded by an  Acquired Skills Acceptance” examination of concerned applicants in order to assess their previously acquired skills either through professional activities or academic studies.


                                PRESENT SITUATION:


Does continuing (or vocational, or lifelong) training exist in your university?

Can you establish a list of companies in your area which could benefit from continuing training?


III.1. Questions about the general frame of the training.


Identification of the certificates (credits or partial degree) level and degree preparation: technician, engineer, manager, etc… (specify)

National, or local certification institution?

Kind of job (secondary or tertiary area; traditional job or new job, new services)?

Pre-requisites to be applicant; which kind of Acquired Skills Acceptance would be necessary ?

Duration of the overall aimed training?

Would trainees belong to a specific class, or be merged into regular ones?


III.2. Questions linked to the participation of members of socio-economic field.

How would the applicants be selected? How would be the partnering  companies associated ?

How will be established the curriculum? What will be the place of the non-university members (trade associations, experts, human resources officers and other company executives) in this elaboration?

Would the curriculum be specific to continuing training?


III.3. Questions linked to structures and regulations.

Financial situation of students: subsidies, salaries, or sponsoring by their company (in case of employees sent by their company).

Financial resources of the training: state, companies, others (companies,…)

Internal and external communication policy.

Legislation framework for continuing training.






I.1. Etat des lieux.


Pratique antérieure d’une forme d’alternance. Si oui, laquelle.

Politique de formation continue au sein de l’université.

Etablissement d’une liste d’entreprises qui pourraient participer à la formation.


                I.2. Construction d’un projet d’alternance dans l’enseignement supérieur.


                Le projet se construira sur l’initiative commune d’un établissement universitaire et une (ou mieux plusieurs) entreprises. A partir de la définition des besoins et des compétences des uns et des autres, les partenaires se placent dans un partenariat pour partager le programme de formation conformément au cadre de l’alternance ; en répondant aux questions qui suivent, les membres du réseau alternance permettront de préciser leurs orientations. Ce questionnaire doit aussi leur permettre de susciter des interrogations et explications.


                                I.2.1. Questions liées au cadre général de l’offre de formation.

                Identification du diplôme ou du certificat visé (Technicien, ingénieur,cadre).

                Diplôme d’état, d’établissement ; autre ?

Métiers recherchés : secteur secondaire ou tertiaire. (métier traditionnel, métier de service).

                Prérequis pour entrer dans la formation (Bac + ?)

                Durée de la formation sous régime de l’alternance (1, 2 ou 3 ans).

                Type d’alternance (durée de séquences en entreprise).

                Effectifs souhaités.

                Durée prévue pour cette formation (permanente ou temporaire ).

                Le recrutement prévu prévoit-il des étudiants en formation initiale et aussi en formation continue ?

Recrutement national ou local de candidats.

Composition des jury.


                                I.2.2. Questions liées à la participation des acteurs scio-économique.

Mode de recrutement des candidats ; participation de l’entreprise ?

                Elaboration du programme de formation : quelle participation demandée aux acteurs non universitaires (organisations professionnelles, experts, représentants d’entreprise..). Le curriculum est-il spécifique à la formation en alternance.

                Quelle participation pédagogique est demandée aux entreprises d’accueil ?

                Conditions d’obtention de la formation préparée et du diplôme, prise en compte des apprentissages  hors université.

                Modes de coévaluation.

                Nature du contrat de formation ; comprend-t-il un engagement d’embauche.


                                I.2.3.    Questions liées  à des structures et des réglementations.

                Statut de l’étudiant alternant.

                Situation financière de l’étudiant alternant.

Financements de la formation : ressources propres; ressources provenant de ’entreprise (prise en charge de l’étudiant; prise en charge de coûts pédagogiques.

                Conseil de perfectionnement regroupant les différentes acteurs).

                Existence d’une structure d’échange  Université-Entreprise.

                Politique de communication interne et externe.

                Environnement législatif de ce type de formation.


                                I.2.4. Questions liées à la pédagogie et à la pédagogie de l’alternance.

                Fonction tutorale. Tutorat enseignant, tutorat entreprises. Réunions tutorales

                Y-a-t-il une adaptation pédagogique à la formation en alternance (enseignement déductif , EAD).

                Politique de soutien et d’accompagnement de l’étudiant en cas de difficultés.

                Comment sont évaluées les séquences académiques et les séquences universitaires.

                Importance des enseignements de management en entreprise des enseignements de communication.

                Langue étrangère pratiquée.   

                Activités internationale dans le cadre de l’alternance.

