TEMPUS UM-13352 - Alternating Education Days

Vasszécsény, November 11-13, 1999.

3rd detailed program


Main objectives of the meeting:




The common events will be held in the castle Új-Ebergényi.


November 11. (Thursday)

Afternoon: arrival to Vasszécsény.

18:30. Distribution of conference documentation, personal contacts.

19:00. Dinner.


November 12. (Friday)

7:00-9:00. Breakfast.


9:30- 12:30. Morning session

Part 1. Current situation of the alternative training in Hungary.

9:30. Opening. Short presentation of the TEMPUS 13352/98 project (Moson, Péter).

9:45. Presentation of the participants (Please introduce yourself and your institution, max. 5 minutes, 5 transparents).

11:00 approx.. 15 minutes break.



Part 2.. Governmental plans about the future of the alternative training

11:15. Dr. Réffy, József (Ministry of Education, head of Department of Higher Education)

12:00 approx.. Questions, comments.


12:30. Lunch.


14:30- 18:00. Afternoon session.

Part 1. International experience of the training (with interpreter).

14:30. Charles Sol (CNAM, France).

14:50. Jean-Sebastien Chantome (Ingénieurs 2000, France).

15:10. Thomas Pfau (Ibistra, Germany).

15:30 kb. 10 minutes break.

Part 2. Experience of the consortium of the TEMPUS project.

15:40. Alternative training at Dunaferr.

16:00. Dunai László (BME Dept. of Steel structures).

16:20. Opinion of the participating students- András Vámosi


16:40. approx.. 10 minutes break.


Part 3.. Organizational structure, financial aspects.

16:50. Contributors: Penninger, Antal (TUB, director of the Int. Educ. Center, Head of Alternating Education Office), Lógó, János (TUB, Alternating Education Office, university relations), Udvardi Lakos, Endre (Ministry of education, expert on prof. education tax). DISCUSSION.


19:00. Dinner.


November 13. (Saturday)

7:00-9:00. Breakfast.


9:30- 11:30. Session. I. (chairman: Moson, Péter).

9:30. Consortium meeting. Program (presenters):


9:30- 11:30. Session. II. (chairman: Lógó, János).

9:30. Continuation of the discussion (detailed presentation of the experience; communication , management education, the specialities of this education at TUB.).

Communication in native language– Estók Tivadarné (TUB)

Communication in a foreign language Judit Sárvári (TUB)

Participating student – Péter Mészáros (TUB)

10:50approx. 20 minutes break.

11:10. Closing the conference. Summary of the presidents of the sessions. Plans of participants after the conference.


12:00. Lunch.


Afternoon. Departure.


Attachment: List of participants (November 3)

More information: http://tutor.nok.bme.hu/sandwich/general/mtitle.htm