Peter Moson, mathematician - educator
Selected publications, representing main activities
- ---, H.I. Freedman: Persistence definitions and
their connections. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 109, 1990, 1025-1033.
- Local bifurcations in the case of eigenvalues
0,0.+i,-i. ZAMM, 71, 1991, T 69-70.
- Persistence. Definitions, Bifurcations.
Proceedings of the 5th International Colloquium on Differential
Equations. Plovdiv, Bulgaria. August 18-23, 1994. V2, 117-122. Science
Culture Technology Publishing. Republic of Singapore.
- ---, H.I. Freedman: Bifurcations in persistence
theory. Applied Mathematics and Computation 79: 125-136 (1996).
- Persistence. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Theoretical Biophysics and Biomathematics. Inner Mongolia
University Press, 195-200 (1997).
Education, methodology
- Herneczki Katakin, Debreceni Péter, Moson Péter,
Juan Manuel Moreno: A nyitott- és távoktatás minőségbiztosításának
rendszer-modellje. I.-II. A
Nemzeti Távoktatási Tanács kiadványai. 6. Távoktatás-fejlesztési tanulmányok.
1997. 1-46o.., 1997. 1-43.o.), ls:
(Quality Assurance of Open and Distance Learning.)
- Ch. Sol, P. Moson: Strengthening the Links
between Enterprises and Universities. Alternative Training of Engineers. Proceedings
of International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE) Technical
University of Ostrava, August 10 - 12, 1999, Czech Technical University in
Prague, August 13 - 14, 1999 (See:
- Cl. Maury, P. Moson: Evaluation of Students
Industrial Placements Abroad. Proceedings of ICEE 2001 Conference.
August 6-10, 2001. Oslo / Bergen, Norway. (ISBN-1-588-74-091-9). See CD,
or .
- P. Moson (co-author): Evaluating Student
Industrial Placements Abroad. A Practical Guide (Methodologies, Case
Studies, Guidelines). Leonardo project MESIPA(Methodology to Evaluating
Student Industrial Placements Abroad). Coordinator: Claude Maury (CEFI,
France). 200 p.; (see:
- P. Moson (co-author): Final report of the project
"Development of University Education in Mathematics and Exact
Sciences via Trilateral Co-Operation, Finland-Hungary-Sweden".
Mathematics. Editor: Per-Anders Ivert, Lund University. Finnish Ministry
of Education Reports 33:2002. ISSN 0359-761X, ISBN 952-442-158-5. 15 p +