educational programs of the European Union (EU) are linked to its budget periods
of 7 years. This paper considers the practical placements of higher educational
students, young graduates. Year 2007 is the end of EU Leonardo da Vinci (LdV) II program (which
supported industrial internships on all level), and the start of some new
programs containing similar activities.
In the
first part of the paper the authors describe and evaluate the results of the
past 7 years presenting mainly the participation of Budapest University of
Technology and Economics (BME) in the LdV program.
BME is the largest Hungarian engineering school (70 % of Msc
level diplomas, 25% of beneficiaries of Hungarian LdV
practical placements). More than 400 students received scholarships for long LdV placements (3-5 month) abroad in the framework of 19 mobility
projects (one of them was selected into the 5 best European higher educational
Second part
is devoted to the questions of the next 7 year term. The new EU Erasmus program
will support both academic and practical placements of higher education
students. The new EU Leonardo da Vinci III program is
open for the young graduates. The work on the adaptation of the previous
experience to the current situation is discussed.
The first
author is a former member of the Hungarian Leonardo da
Vinci Advisory Board, and LdV institutional
coordinator of BME, a regular participant of ICEE(R) conferences. The second
author is the LdV financial coordinator of BME. They
believe that the paper can contribute to the development of practical
placements, creation of new partnerships.