19.04.1997. / Updated 29.04.2003., 17.11.2004., 12.01.2007., 07.08.2007., 19.08.08., 31.07.2014, 29.06.2015, 23.06.2016, 2020.09.25.

Other (EUROPASS) CV in English

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Peter Moson             mathematician, educator

Birth, place, date: Budapest, September 23, 1949.

Home address: 52 Rátz László., H-1119 Budapest, Hungary

Phone/fax: 36-1-2602906

Place of work: Retired. Honorary professor of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Department of Differential Equations.

Postal address: H-1521 Budapest

Phone: 36-1-463-26-90 , Mobile: 36-30-9329626, Fax: 36-1-463-12-91.

e-mail: moson@math.bme.hu, moson@tutor.nok.bme.hu


Studies, degrees:

candidate of mathematical sciences 1985 (Ph.D.),

doctor of natural sciences (Sub auspiciis Rei Publicae popularis) 1978, ELTE, Budapest,

mathematician (Leningrad State University, 1968-73).

Research: Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations and its applications (periodic, quasi-periodic solutions, bifurcations, population dynamics, persistence).

Education (mathematics): Teaching of basic courses in mathematics, wide variety of advanced courses. Experience in curriculum development: Mathematics: Courses of the first 4 semesters BME, French Filial, engineer-physicist, engineer-manager. Translation of scientific books, papers into Hungarian. Preparation of teaching materials.

Applications (mathematics):Years: eighties - industrial applications (e.g. combustion problems), nineties - personal identification numbers (e.g. control digit of the Hungarian taxation number).

Reviews: Reviewer: Mathematical Reviews (altogether 139 reviews), Zentralblatt (English, French, Russian, Italian).

Memberships (professional organizations): Member of J. Bolyai Math. Soc., American Math. Soc. (AMS), GAMM.

Participation, experience in goal oriented projects: Project manager of the fondation of BME International Secondary Grammar School, of several European Union PHARE, TEMPUS, Leonardo projects (see: http://tutor.nok.bme.hu ).


17 papers in mathematics (about 75 citations),

18 papers on different educational forms (distance education, alternative training of engineers, practical placements etc.),

Others (approx. 100) industrial reports, project reports etc..

Languages: Hungarian, English, French, Russian (regular teaching experience in languages listed).

Scientific and educational activities abroad:

Different French Universities in the framework of EU Erasmus program (e.g. INSA de Rennes, 2004-07),

Université de Liège (1992, 1995, 1997),

University of Guelph, Canada (1988), University of Alberta, Canada (1989, 1992),

Leningrad State University (1981-84), Moscow Energetic Institute (1975-76).


Jozsef Nador (Palatine Joseph) Medal (2014)


Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques (French gouvernement, 2011)

Award of Appreciation. For Superior Performance in International Education. iNEER (International Network on Engineering Education, 2008)

BME Faculty of Natural Sciences (2003, 2012, 2015, 2016),

Council of Ministers (1987),

Farkas Gyula memorial prize (J. Bolyai Math. Soc., 1982),

Award of Ministry of Education (1981).

Selected administrative activities (in Hungary):

Rector’s advisor (international relations, 2015).

Vice-rector for international relations of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME, 2008-2015).

Director of BME Institute of Mathematics (2012-2013).

Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2007-2011).

Deputy director, BME, Institute of Mathematics, (1996-2007).

Coordinator, BME, Training in French (former French Filial – Filière Francophone; from 1997-2007), Leonardo institutional (2002-2007).

Member of the Hungarian National Council for Distance Education (1995-2002).

Vice-dean, BME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1994-96).

Selected administrative activities (in international organizations):

AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie), Regional Advisory Committee (2003-2013).

iNEER (International Network On Engineering Education and Research). Member of the Board, organizer of ICEE2008 conference.

Family: Peter Moson

Wife Piroska Csörgő, 2 children: László Moson 1976, Ágnes Moson 1979, 8 grandchildren Vilmos Moson 2009, Lelle Bán 2010, Milena Moson 2011, Buda Bán 2012, Johanna Moson 2013, Barna Bán 2015, Sára Moson 2015, Bende Moson 2020.

Wife Ilona Gerzsenyi (1988-2011). Her children Felicián Varga 1975, Krisztián Varga 1978.

Wife Ildikó Varga (2012-…).

Hobbies: sport (soccer, basketball, swimming), tourism.