at the Technical University of Budapest

In the September of 1996 the Technical University of Budapest (TUB) introduced a new, alternating form of engineer training, otherwise called "sandwich-type" education.

The main characteristics of this training:

This five year undergraduate training consists of two differenc phases. during the first three years the students get a basic engineering training, which is followed by two years of specialisation, during which they alternate between the university and the industry (the 7. and 9. semester at the university and the 8. and 10. semester at the industry). Every student's training is helped and controlled by a university-tutor and an industrial-tutor. This new training form is generally based on the experiences of the renowned French education institute CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), adapting their methods to the Hungarian circumstances.

The description of the training:

The sandwich-type education as a whole (curriculum, teaching, exams, thesis work) is carried out in close cooperation between the university and the industrial partner. During the industrial period, the students have to solve concrete company tasks. A significant part of the training teaches management and marketing basics, communication skills, information technology and also a foreign language. The studets get supplementary grant from the company (presently 15.000 HUF/person/month)

The education is carried out in the frame of TUB's departmental system and gives the same diploma, as the "normal" undergraduate engineering program.

The students:

This type of training is specially design for good, practice-oriented students as an alternative training choice. The selection of the students from the students who have completed the first three years of basic training, is done in cooperation with the university and the industrial partner taking into consideration the needs of the given company.

Electable areas of training:

In September 1996 the training has stred in three areas,

Environmental Technics and Management (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)

Steel Structure (Faculty of Civil Engineering) and

Process Engineering (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics).

Arcitecture (Faculty of Architecture), a new area for sandwich-type education is also under preparation. Our intention is to increase the number of electable areas in the future.

The teaching materials consist of two modules. One of the modules includes the technical courses related the area and the other module consists of management, marketing, native and foreign language communication.


The program was proposed and implemented with significant help from the Hungarian Ministry of Culture and Education, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the PHARE aid-program of the European Union and one of the leading Hungarian enterprises, the DUNAFERR Ltd.

The implementation is carried out in the framework of the PHARE Program HU-94.05 "Strengthening the links between education and the economy". The main objective of the project is to establish the required legal, financial and educational methodological conditions and to consult about the experiences with other educational institutions.

Benefits and costs:

For the company

For the company

For the university

A short description of the three already running modules:

Environmental Technics and Management: the students get basic knowledge, among other, about:

Steel Structures: the students get basic knowledge, among others, about:

Process engineering: the students get basic knowledge, among others, about:

For further information please contact our

Open and Distance Learning Secretariat (CFA Hungary 2000)

Dr. Moson Péter project cordinator or Ildikó Varga assistant cordinator Budapest, Bertalan Lajos u. 2. Hungary 111, tel/fax: 36-463-2561

