1. Cover sheet
Contract number:
Co-ordinating institution:
Technical University of Budapest
Project title:
Name of the author: Dr. Peter Moson, co-ordinator of the project
Phone: 36-1-463-35-46
Fax: 36-1-463-25-61
email: mosontutor.nok.bme.hu
, www: http://tutor.nok.bme.hu
Author of the financial part: Ildikó Varga, assistant co-ordinator
Phone: 36-1-463-35-46
Fax: 36-1-463-25-61
Date: September 30, 1997
Professional part
The aim of this project is the establishment of the structure of long cycle alternating higher educational forms in engineering leading to diploma, based on the adaptation of international experiences (especially apprenticeship - CNAM, France), and real demands of Hungarian enterprises. The realisation is carried out through pilot modules.
The activities in Working Period 3. followed the plans elaborated in CA and the Report of Working period 2. The work in the project according to the above reports is divided in 9 sub-modules (Information technology, General management of the project, Professional /4 technical and 3 human type education/ modules).
This report contains a
summary of common activities led by the co-ordinator (General
management module). A more detailed description, especially related
to the other modules please find on the Internet: http://tutor.nok.bme.hu.
Please see part Staff, sub-modules. (In the tables below
we often refer to a linked /with hot word technique/ document.
2.A. Tables of realised
Here we simply repeat the list of planned activities according to the actualised Working plan of Report 2 and add further activities if applicable. We remind the module structure of project:
- 1. Information technology - Á. Nagy,
- 2. General management - common activities - P. Moson,
- 3. Architecture module - T.Matuscsák, R..Klujber,
- 4. Environment module - T. Lajos, M. Parti,
- 5. Process engineering module - P. Arató, I. Loványi,
- 6. Steel structure module - M. Iványi, L. Dunai,
- 7. English communication module - J. Sárvári,
- 8. Native communication module - É. Kelemen, M. Perger,
- 9. Management module - J. Hóka.
3.1. | Beginning of industrial period. | 02-03/97. | Timetable (Jan-Febr97) |
3.2. | Advertisement, publicity campaign of education beginning in September 97. | 02-08/97 | Timetable (07.03, Spring 97, 1-2.07) and documents listed in Timetable "Spring 97" |
3.3. | Evaluation of the industrial session, tutors' reports. | 07/97 | Timetable (10.07) |
3.4. | Double tutorship. | 02-07/97 | Timetable (02.04, 15.05) |
3.5. | Apprentices' selection, documentation | 05-07/97 | Timetable (May 97) |
3.6. | Legal, financial background of the project. | 02-08/97 | Timetable (10-13.03, 18.03, 07.04, 09.05, 13.05, 16.05, 28-29.05, 23.06) |
Other modules:
1. Information technology (Responsible: Mr. Á. Nagy)
3. Architecture module (Responsible: T.Matuscsák, R. Klujbert,)
3.1. | Course development. | ||
3.2. | Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists. | ||
3.3. | Information, advertisement for the given target group. | ||
3.4. | Regular use of information technology, multimedia development | ||
3.5. | Recruitment, selection of apprentices. | ||
3.6. | Monitoring and evaluation. |
4. Environment module (Responsibles: T. Lajos, M. Parti,
3.1. | Course development. | ||
3.2. | Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists. | ||
3.3. | Professional specialities of the training of academic and industrial tutors. | ||
3.4. | Permanent contacts with tutors and apprentices in the industrial period. | ||
3.5. | Information, advertisement for the given target group (2nd promotion). | ||
3.6. | Regular use of information technology, multimedia development. | ||
3.7. | Information, advertisement for the given target group (2nd promotion). | ||
3.8. | Monitoring and evaluation. |
Process engineering module (Responsible: P. Arató, I. Loványi)
3.1. | Course development. | ||
3.2. | Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists. | ||
3.3. | Professional specialities of the training of academic and industrial tutors. | ||
3.4. | Permanent contacts with tutors and apprentices in the industrial period. | ||
3.5. | Information, advertisement for the given target group (2nd promotion). | ||
3.6. | Regular use of information technology, multimedia development. | ||
3.7. | Information, advertisement for the given target group (2nd promotion). | ||
3.8. | Monitoring and evaluation. |
3.1. | Course development. | ||
3.2. | Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists. | ||
3.3. | Professional specialities of the training of academic and industrial tutors. | ||
3.4. | Permanent contacts with tutors and apprentices in the industrial period. | ||
3.5. | Information, advertisement for the given target group (2nd promotion). | ||
3.6. | Regular use of information technology, multimedia development. | ||
3.7. | Information, advertisement for the given target group (2nd promotion). | ||
3.8. | Monitoring and evaluation. |
7. English communication module (Responsible :J. Sárvári)
3.1. | Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists. | ||
3.2. | Distance learning in the industrial period. Regular use of information technology. | ||
3.3. | Monitoring and evaluation. |
8. Native communication module (Responsible: É. Kelemen, M. Perger)
3.1. | Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists. | ||
3.2. | Distance learning in the industrial period. Regular use of information technology. | ||
3.3. | Monitoring and evaluation. |
9. Management module (Responsible: J. Hóka,)
3.1. | Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists. | ||
3.2. | Distance learning in the industrial period. Regular use of information technology. | ||
3.3. | Monitoring and evaluation. |
2.B. Detailed description
of Activities
The basic activities of this period were:
Please find a detailed
description of activities below followed by a short evaluation
and risk analysis.
Summary of activities:
(This description of activities was prepared by the
co-ordinator, so it contains activities related to the whole project.
A more detailed summary can be obtained by studying the activities
of 9 modules /eg. concerning the questions of curriculum and course
development/. this document is available on the web. We remind
that there one can find a large number of additional, detailed
information /minutes, leaflets, lists of students etc. as well/).
March 7, 97. Hungarian open & distance learning day.
The project was presented (poster session) on the annual event
of Hungarian ODL. The one day meeting was devoted to quality assurance.
The key speaker was Ms. Maria Honti, vice secretary of State,
Ministry of Culture and Education. The participants (approx. 200)
were interested in the project, the question of extension to
other higher educational institutions is under investigation.
March 10-13, 1997. CNAM delagation in Budapest
A delegation of the consortium member CNAM (Mmes Hedin, Rudent)
visited TUB. The implementation of the project and further joint
activities were investigated.
March 18, 1997. Extension (German firms)
Consultation with Dr. Th. Pfau (Ibistra) and Dr. Friedrich Bauersachs (Friedrich Naumann Foundation). Main points:
- the involving of German firms will be realized in cooperation of 4 organizations (TUB, Ibistra, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, German Business Club).
- The firms interested in the project will contact soon the students of TUB.
- There is a real demand in pharmaceutical industry. The participation in the project of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering will be considered.
- Others: improvement of communication lines (TUB specialist at
Dr. Bauersachs).
April 2, 1997. Meeting on industrial tutorship
Participants: Ms. Morone Zupko Timea (Dunaferr, Human Institute, director), Ms. M. Perger, P. Moson (TUB). Summary: There are 15 students (11 environment, 4 steel structure module) at the Dunaferr Company. Dunaferr specialist highly evaluate their visit to CNAM, ESCPI Paris. They have finalized their activities based on this experience. Different documents are in preparation stage (among others a Sandwich leaflet, paper prepared by Mr. I. Horvath /director general/). The company considers the alternating education as an important new initiative, which probably will become an integrated part of its human policy. The following questions were discussed.
Evaluation. 3 levels: monthly (professional, relations to the job, functions of intelligentsia); bimonthly (work); Sandwich conference (at the end of the period). Evaluation levels: to develop; satisfactory; excellent. The corresponding documentation is prepared, the first evaluation has been done for 4 students.
Motivation of tutors. At the end of industrial period. 3 methods: project, enterprise, royalty type.
Plans. May 12, 97. Evaluation at Dunaferr (with participation of CNAM delegation, industrial, university tutors, students).
Sandwich conference (Jun. 30-July2). General evaluation of the industrial period, students will present their work.
Others. Next promotion (number of students, presentation
of the company). Activities related to the report of Working Period
2 (eg. Presentation of own part).
April 2, 1997. Meeting on academic tutorship (See minutes as well)
The university tutors are in continuous contact with their students and industrial counterpart. They regularly visit the company and meet the students at TUB. The representatives of university tutors were informed about the common academic-industrial tutor activities (May 12, July 1) and documentation used by industrial tutors. It was decided to finalize the academic tutor documentation (prepared by Ms. Perger) till the end of the next week.
There was a discussion about the responsibilities of tutors:
According to Mr. Parti (Environment module) the main consultant in professional questions is the industrial tutor. The basic role of university tutor is to guarantee the academic level of industrial work.
According to Mr. Dunai (Steel structure module) a stronger cooperation is possible among the tutors. The correct choice of the themes (work, thesis) can guarantee the level corresponding to the students' knowledge.
Both agreed that the alternating education probably will lead to new research co-operations between enterprises and universities.
Another question discussed: how to take into account other industrial
problems solved by the students (these works partly independent
on the theme naturally arise in an industrial environment - their
motivation is recommended).
April 7, 1997. Meeting of TUB module directors (See minutes as well)
3 main topics were discussed:
May 9, 1997. Extension. Meeting with executives of Schneider Hungary
Participants: Mr. Christian Burtel industrial director, Ms.Magdolna Becker education director, Mr. J.M.Pajot (Ingénieurs 2000), M. Perger, P. Moson.
Summary: Groupe Scneider, an important multinational enterprise
in Hungary, was informed about the activities in alternating education
both in France and in Hungary. Mr. Burtel emphasized that they
would consider their participation in the project and formulate
training needs. Preliminary interest seems in logistics and quality
assurance type modules. Ms. Becker was invited for the May 12th
evaluation meeting.
May 12, 1997. Evaluation meeting. Dunaújváros. (Minutes)
Participants: tutors (academic, industrial), representatives of CNAM, Dunaferr, TUB, students.
Summary: The work of students was presented by their tutors
and evaluated according to Leaflets 1-3. (See April 7). There
was a discussion about the evaluation procedure and the current
situation of the project. Dr .M. Zsíros (Dunaferr human
management director) underlined the good choice of industrial
projects, the existence of evaluation and the activity, enthusiasm
of learners.
May 13, 1997. CNAM - TUB discussions.
Ch. Sol co-coordinator of the project had meetings with colleagues of Management, Information technology and Architecture modules.
The discussions of F. Laulin, Ch. Sol and P. Moson were devoted
to extension of the project, further possible applications and
cooperations. These questions will be decided during the visit
of P. Moson to CNAM (Sept.,97), where he will attend different
evaluation events as well.
May 16, 20 1997. TUB - Evaluation and extension meetings. (Minutes)
May 16. The Operative Committee of the project discussed the contribution of the coordinator on the Meeting with deans planned for May 20.
May 20. The faculties were informed about the project and the
question of extension was investigated. The general evaluation
is good, especially the active participation of the Dunaferr company
and the students can be underlined. Questions to develop: information
of students, participation of university tutors, involvement of
further enterprises. It was decided to present the success of
the project to vice-secretaries of state of the Ministry of Culture
and Public Education and propose to create some funds for further
courses based on an application procedure. For more details see
minutes (in French).
May 28-29, 1997. Visit of CNAM delegation to Budapest
In the program
May, 1997. Extension to the Faculty of Architecture
Followed a long preparation period
the Council of the Faculty of Architecture has accepted the proposal
prepared by Dr. Matuscsak (the module coordinator) for the alternating
education at this faculty. On the meeting there was a vital discussion
with the participation of leading architects of Hungary. The results
of voting were 20/7/1.
Spring 1997. Information materials, PR activities
In this period several papers, booklets were published about the alternating education, it was mentioned in other media as well (eg. radio broadcasts):
June, July 1997. Preparations for Sandwich Conference
About 100 invitation letters were
sent to consortium members, ministerial organizations, other enterprises
and higher education institutions.
June 23, 1997. Visit of Dr. Pfau (IBISTRA)
Dr.Pfau informed the coordinator
about the results of activities decided in March (see March 18,
97). Questionnaires were sent to German firms via Club of German
Enterprises. The answers, general reception were positive. Dr.
Pfau will prepare a report summarizing IBISTRA's activities.
July 1-2, 97. AGORA
The new rector of TUB, Dr. Ákos
Detrekõi was informed about the education form. Dr. Detrekõi
raised this topic on the recently established public forum of
university called AGORA:
July 10, 97. Dunaújváros. SANDWICH CONFERENCE (minutes)
Participants: Representatives of Dunaferr, TUB, Ministry of Education, university-, industrial tutors, students, other invited guests (approx. 80person). Program:
The methodological part (cooperation of the learner and the 2 tutors) and the professional work of students is a great success.
To develop - suggested method:
Information of students about the new educational form - More intensive participation of the recent students.
To involve more enterprises - active participation of Dunaferr, suggestion to the ministries to create a new program for the foundation of particular modules, determined by the need of economy,
Legal, financial background - signs to the ministries, especially in the case of professional education tax.
4. Closing ceremony, evaluation,
prizes (I. Horvath director general, Dr. K. Molnar dean).
Evaluation, modification,
Similarly to the previous working periods the activities follow the plans, there are no significant changes in the professional part of the project.
The WP3 contained the basic
methodological and educational innovation of this project, the
industrial period, the joint activity of student - industrial
tutor - university tutor. Without any overestimation a great success
can be stated. Both the students involved in the project and the
enterprise were fully satisfied by the results. This satisfaction
can be measured as well (eg. price, summer work, joint research).
This success proves the vitality of sandwich type education, i.e.
the adaptation of the French experience from an educational
viewpoint was successful to the Hungarian environment. On
the other hand some other questions (partly described in detail
below in Risks part: finances, participation of enterprises, students,
further legal questions) has to be clarified and developed further.
Based on the success we suggest the continuation and extension
of sandwich type education form, but it requires more efforts
from Hungarian governmental bodies as well.
Here we analyse the risks described in the previous report and the actions related to them:
"The success of this kind of formation depends on the interest of industry. All consortium partners ought to work in this direction, especially with their national companies."
An important work has been done
to involve more companies. A large number of enterprises (especially
French, German and the members of the Hungarian Round Table of
Industrialists) know about this educational form, they have expressed
their interest as well, but the results (ie. the beginning of
new modules) will appear later, probably next year.
"Some additional risk may be caused by the frequent fluctuation of administrative personal (caused basically by the low salaries for this job requiring computer literacy and the knowledge of English, French languages)."
This factor remained, even became
more serious, but it was not crucial for the implementation of
the project.
"The education is realised on faculty level. It has some advantages, but the harmonisation of 9 sub-modules is a complex task."
The differences between the faculties
of TUB has become clearer. There are many reasons (demand of industry,
economic situation of enterprises, faculty regulations, general
politics of faculties, interest of students etc.), the detailed
investigation of this questions will be an important task of WP4.
"The general technical and human level of information technology slowed a bit the total use of information technology system."
This statement was valid in this
period too.
A new risk factor (which was a surprise for our French partner) is that:
"in some cases there exists a demand of enterprise, but there is not enough interest of students".
The causes of this fact (eg. work,
finances, placement of enterprise, publicity) will be investigated
in WP4 further.
Phare amount budgeted
(including working
periods 1-2-3.): ECU
Phare amount spent (including
working periods 1-2-3.): ECU
Explanation of financial delays and minor changes.
The finances of the project
follow the plans, but the payment of activities carried out is
in some delay. It is caused by the same reasons as listed in Report
List of equipment bought in the given period:
See financial report.
2.C. Human resources employed, personal costs
See financial report.
Activities planned for Working period 4 (97.09.01-98.02.28.)
We follow our original plans, ie.:
1. Information technology - (Responsible: Á. Nagy)
Work period 4. (Sept 1, 1997 - Febr. 28,, 1998)
4.1.Regular work of IT.
4.2.Extension (new enterprises, other participants).
4.3.Monitoring and evaluation.
2. General management - common activities (Responsible: P. Moson)
Work period 4. (Sept 1, 1997 - Febr. 28,, 1998)
4.1. 09-10/97. Jury of the end of first year.
4.2. 16/09/96. First, second classes admission, beginning of academic period.
4.3. 10/97. Training of university tutors of new modules.
4.4. 11/97. Training of tutors engineers of new modules.
4.5. 11/97. General meeting, Steering Committee Meeting, Evaluation 2. of the project.
4.6. 11-12/97. General proposal on the future of
sandwich type education.
3. Architecture module (Responsible: T.Matuscsák, R. Klujber)
4. Environment module T. Lajos, M. Parti,
5. Process engineering module - P. Arató, I. Loványi,
6. Steel structure module - M. Iványi, L. Dunai.
Work period 4. (Sept 1, 1997 - Febr. 28, 1998)
4.1. Course development.
4.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.
4.3. Teaching in the academic period.
4.4.Regular use of information technology.
4.5. Participation in the final evaluation of the
7. English communication module - J. Sárvári,
8. Native communication module - É. Kelemen,
9. Management module - J. Hóka.
Work period 4. (September 1, 1997 - February 28, 1998)
4.1. Course development.
4.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.
4.3. Participation in the final evaluation of the
The budget is realistic.
We would like to finance the project in Working period 4. according
to Tables of ANNEX B.