June 13, 1996


System of AlterNating EDucational NetWork.

UnIversity - EnterprIse Cooperation in Hungary



The aim of this project is the establishment of the structure of long cycle alternating higher educational forms in engineering leading to diploma, based on the adaptation of international experiences (especially apprenticeship - CNAM, France), and real demands of Hungarian enterprises. The realisation will be carried out through pilot modules.

These work and financial plans are revisions of the Phare application (please find enclosed) without important changes. The minor changes were necessary because of the following reasons:

delay of the beginning of the project (the activities 1.,5. financed by external funds -MFA France - were carried out according to Phare application Timetable 3. The cost of these activities (ECU 30700) is not included in the project financial plan. Other preliminary activities were financed by TUB, CNAM, Engineers 2000, HRTI, Dunaferr are not included as well.)

Reduction of the PHARE funds by ECU 12000 led to the reduction of the number of planned professional modules financed by PHARE from 5 to 4.

Number of students recruited for the first 3 modules is approx 25, in the further planning we used this number. The educational cycle is 2 years, so some activities (and financement - accepted at this moment approx. ECU 22825)) will be after the end of the application period.

Activities of the project can be devided in 3 well defined fields, which contain some subfields. Here we describe in general the tasks related to the project, details will be given later in additional plans and Table 3. (Detailed activity and payment schedule).


Establishment of the specifications of communication lines (eg. computer network) between CNAM and CFA Hungary 2000 and other participants. Wide use of Internet communication for interaction with partners and learners, for distribution of learning materials and for "advertisement" of activities is foreseen. The realisation of an appropriate multimedia-based Internet server and the creation of the Home pages of CFA Hungary is an important task from the very beginning.



- coordination of activities of consortium members, financing the project,

- investigation of legal, financial etc. background of the new educational form,

- general information of economic and academic sector, general advertisement,

- coordination of educational activities of modules,

- registration and follow up the learning process of students,

- methodology of tutorship,

- monitoring and evaluation.

This is the main common part of the project. Here will be carried out the summarising studies about the sandwich type engineering education, the information meetings, leaflets (partly adaptations of foreign partners' materials, the new meteorological elements of education (especially tutorship)


The educational process will be organised in educational modules. Each student will have a professional (main) module and management, communication, language (English) modules.

Professional modules (Submodules 3-6).

They are related to different faculties of TUB. At this moment these are the following: Civil engineering - Steel structures, Electrical engineering and informatics - System and process engineering, Mechanical Engineering - Environment, Architecture - to be determined later (on demands of industry). Tasks:

- providing general structure of sandwich type education at the faculty level,

- curriculum development and harmonisation with enterprises,

- information of economic partners about the module, special advertisement,

- information of students about the module, participation in recruitment procedure,

- teaching in the academic period,

- participation in the preparation of industrial period,

- preparation of thesis work,

- academic tutorship (double tutorship: academic - enterprise)

- monitoring and evaluation

Management, Communication, Language (English) modules. The economic sector emphasized several times the importance of these type of knowledge for future engineers. Today besides of some special professional needs the existence of these modules serves one of the most important reasons to choose the sandwich type training. The academic education of these modules is planned to be mostly common for students of different professional modules. Tasks:

- curriculum development and harmonisation with enterprises,

- teaching in the academic period,

- participation in the preparation of industrial period, partial tutorship,

- distance learning in the industrial period,

- monitoring and evaluation

Management and organisation of the project basically follows of the PHARE application:

co-ordinator Peter Moson vice dean of TUB (1/3 full time), in the co-ordination there will be permanent contacts with the CNAM representative Ch. Sol.

steering committee (7 members) representing the consortium,

operative committee of TUB (6 members - the co-ordinator, 4 representatives of professional modules - M. Iványi, T. Lajos, I. Loványi, T. Matuscsák , information technology Á. Nagy). The work of this Operative Committee will be supervised by an advisory board containing the representatives of the University, Dean of Faculties.

The 9 basic units (submodules) of the project will be co-ordinated by (in case of more than one co-ordinator the name of responsible is underlined)

- 1. Information technology - Á. Nagy,

- 2. General management - common activities - P. Moson,

- 3. Architecture module - T.Matuscsák, Z. Rostás,

- 4. Environment module - T. Lajos, M. Parti,

- 5. Process engineering module - P. Arató, I. Loványi,

- 6. Steel structure module - M. Iványi, L. Dunai,

- 7. English communication module - J. Sárvári,

- 8. Native communication module - É. Kelemen,

- 9. Management module - J. Hóka, J. Gelegonya.

- the project will be helped by a full time assistant, and a part time (20%) financial assistant located at the International Education Center TUB.


In this part the detailed working plan of activities will be shortly given according to submodules and working periods 1-4. (For more details see please the activity part of financial plan worked out independently for all submodules.)

1. Information technology - (Responsible: Á. Nagy)

1. Work period 1. (signing the contract - August 31, 1996)

1.1. Specification of the information technologycal (IT) system.

1.2. Installation of server.

1.3. Basic software and database.

2. Work period 2. (September 1, 1996 - February 28, 1997)

2.1. 09/96. Short course "How to use IT".

2.2. 09/96. Installation of office equipment.

2.3. Regular work of IT.

2.4. 01-02/97. Extension (enterprises, other participants).

2.5. Monitoring and evaluation.

3. Work period 3. (March 1, 1997 - August 31, 1997)

3.1. Regular work of IT.

3.2. Extension (enterprises, other participants).

3.3. Monitoring and evaluation.

4. Work period 4. (September 1, 1997 - December 1, 1997) no financement is requested

4.1. Regular work of IT.

4.2. Monitoring and evaluation.

2. General management - common activities (Responsible: P. Moson)

According to the general part of the Work Plan of Activities the continuous tasks of the General Management are the following:

- coordination of activities of consortium members, financing the project,

- investigation of legal, financial etc. background of the new educational form,

- general information of economic and academic sector, general advertisement,

- coordination of educational activities of modules,

- registration and follow up the learning process of students,

- methodology of tutorship,

- monitoring and evaluation.

In the given periods we mention only special events related to these activities.

1. Work period 1. (signing the contract - August 31, 1996)

1.1. (immediately) Setting up CFA office.

1.2. 05-08/96. Preparation of information materials about the new educational form (4 modules).

1.3. Involving further enterprises in the first 3 modules.

1.4. 05-08/96. Investigation of legal and financial background (consultations, reports).

1.5. 05/96. Apprentices' selection, documentation.

2. Work period 2. (September 1, 1996 - February 28, 1997)

2.1. 1/09/96-30/09/96. Finalisation of Apprentices' selection, registration, meetings with companies.

2.2. 16/09/96. First class admission, beginning of academic period.

2.3. 10/96. Training of university tutors (one week).

2.4. 11/96. Training of tutors engineers(one week).

2.5. Investigation of legal and financial background (consultations, reports).

2.6. Preparing, adaptation of materials on tutorship.

2.7. Extension (new participants, education technology, training needs analysis), publicity campaign.

2.8. 11/96. General meeting, Steering Committee Meeting, Evaluation 1. of the project.

2.9. 01-02/96. Evaluation. Jury of the end of academic period.

3. Work period 3. (March 1, 1997 - August 31, 1997)

3.1. 02-03/97. Beginning of industrial period.

3.2. 02-06/97. Advertisement, publicity campaign of education beginning in September 97.

3.3. 06-08/97. Evaluation of the industrial session, tutors' reports.

3.4. 02-07/97. Double tutorship.

3.5. 05-09/97. Apprentices' selection, documentation

3.6. 02-08/97. Legal, financial background of the project.

4. Work period 4. (September 1, 1997 - December 1, 1997)

4.1. 01-10/09/97. Jury of the end of first year.

4.2. 16/09/96. First, second classes admission, beginning of academic period.

4.3. 10/97. Training of university tutors of new modules(one week).

4.4. 11/97. Training of tutors engineers of new modules(one week).

4.5. 11/97. General meeting, Steering Committee Meeting, Evaluation 2. of the project.

4.6. 11-12/97. General proposal on the future of sandwich type education.


The basic activities of these modules are the curriculum development (corresponding to the module) and to find out the specialities of the faculties.

3. Architecture module (Responsible: T.Matuscsák, Z. Rostás)

This module will contain the whole series of activities from the identification of the demand of economy. The education will begin in September 1997.

1. Work period 1. (signing the contract - August 31, 1996)

1.1. Needs analyses on faculty and some selected enterprises' level.

1.2. Installation of equipment.

1.3. Monitoring and evaluation.

2. Work period 2. (September 1, 1996 - February 28, 1997)

2.1. Curriculum development.

2.2. Harmonisation of the curriculum on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

2.3. Study and application of the possibilities of information technology.

2.4. Information, advertisement for the given target group.

2.6. Monitoring and evaluation.

3. Work period 3. (March 1, 1997 - August 31, 1997)

3.1. Course development.

3.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

3.3. Information, advertisement for the given target group.

3.5. Regular use of information technology, multimedia development.

3.6. Recruitment, selection of apprentices.

3.7. Monitoring and evaluation.

4. Work period 4. (September 1, 1997 - December 1, 1997)

4.1. Course development.

4.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

4.3. Teaching in the academic period.

4.4.Regular use of information technology.

4.5. Participation in the final evaluation of the project.

4. Environment module T. Lajos, M. Parti,

5. Process engineering module - P. Arató, I. Loványi,

6. Steel structure module - M. Iványi, L. Dunai.

These modules are special in some sense. The demand has been identified yet (Dunaferr), there are students interested in the modules, so the process will begin at the recruitment, selection step. We formulate the activities together for these modules.

1. Work period 1. (signing the contract - August 31, 1996)

1.1. Curriculum development.

1.2. Harmonisation of the curriculum on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

1.3. Recruitment, selection of apprentices.

1.4. Monitoring and evaluation.

2. Work period 2. (September 1, 1996 - February 28, 1997)

2.1. Course development.

2.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

2.3. Professional specialities of the training of academic and industrial tutors.

2.4. Teaching in the academic period.

2.5. Study and application of the possibilities of information technology, multimedia development..

2.6. Monitoring and evaluation.

3. Work period 3. (March 1, 1997 - August 31, 1997)

3.1. Course development.

3.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

3.3. Permanent contacts with tutors and apprentices in the industrial period.

3.4. Information, advertisement for the given target group (2nd promotion).

3.5. Regular use of information technology, multimedia development..

3.6. Recruitment, selection of new apprentices.

3.7. Monitoring and evaluation.

4. Work period 4. (September 1, 1997 - December 1, 1997)

4.1. Course development.

4.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

4.3. Teaching in the academic period.

4.4.Regular use of information technology.

4.5. Participation in the final evaluation of the project.

7. English communication module - J. Sárvári,

8. Native communication module - É. Kelemen,

9. Management module - J. Hóka, J. Gelegonya.

These modules are common for all professional areas and they contain mainly new curricula. Some colleagues will take part in the feasibility study on project level.

1. Work period 1. (signing the contract - August 31, 1996)

1.1. Curriculum development.

1.2. Harmonisation of the curriculum on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

1.3. Adaptation of materials.

1.4. Monitoring and evaluation.

2. Work period 2. (September 1, 1996 - February 28, 1997)

2.1. Course development.

2.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

2.3. Study and application of the possibilities of information technology, multimedia development.

2.3. Monitoring and evaluation.

3. Work period 3. (March 1, 1997 - August 31, 1997)

2.1. Course development.

2.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

2.3. Distance learning in the industrial period. Regular use of information technology.

2.3. Monitoring and evaluation.

4. Work period 4. (September 1, 1997 - December 1, 1997)

1.1. Course development.

1.2. Harmonisation of the courses on faculty level and with industrial specialists.

1.3. Participation in the final evaluation of the project.


The financial activities of the project are presented in 4 Work periods. We include a summarising Tables 1, 2, 3. for the project. Here we indicate only the total numbers of the 9 submodules. The detailed financial plans of these 9 submodules please find afterwards.

Bank, account number:


Budapest, Arany János u.


Account number: 289654/XEUCURR1

Budapest, June13, 1996.

P. Moson



Summarising financial plans of the project,

Financial plans of the 9 submodules,

Timetable 3. and financial plan of the application.

Detailed description of the OWN part presented by CNAM and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Bank account certificate.

List of consortium members and Authorisation letters.