This report describes the activities carried out and the financial aspects of the project SANDWICH (PHARE Ref.No.:H9405-0101-L012/32). The period investigated is:

activities - June 96 (beginning of the project) - October 15, 96 ;

budget - June 96 - September 30, 96.

The structure of the report follows the structure of the Work plan of activities (June 13, 96) submitted and excepted by PHARE PMU. We remind you that according to this plan the activities in the project are divided in 9 basic units (submodules). The main part of the report contains general description of the results and the summary of activities carried out in the submodule General management - common activities (led by the co-ordinator P.Moson), the detailed activities of the other 8 submodules will be enclosed separately.


The aim of this project is to establish the structure of long cycle alternating higher educational forms in engineering leading to diploma, based on the adaptation of international experiences (especially apprenticeship - CNAM, France), and real demands of Hungarian enterprises, and to realise them through pilot modules.

The activities planned for this period has been done. The CFA office and basic information technology system were established by September 96. On September 16, 1996 the education of "sandwich type" students has began at 2 faculties of TUB (Civil engineering - Steel structures, Mechanical Engineering - Environmental technics) following an intensive curriculum development work (with participation of industrial and university specialists) and legalisation of educational experiment (both on faculty and university level). The work listed above was carried out in a vital cooperation with the foreign partners (especially CNAM) and the Dunaferr company.


Activities of the project are divided in 3 fields (with some subfields). Here we describe in general the activities related to the project, details will be given later in additional reports.


Specification of the information technology (IT) system of the project.

Buying (according to the PHARE rules) of the equipment planned for this period, installation of the server and auxiliary equipment, creation of the Home page of CFA Hungary.

Preparation of the short course "How to use IT".


The creation of an effective organisational structure and the beginning of the pilot phase education were the main tasks in this area and in the given period. In details:

Setting up CFA (Center of Formation by Apprenticeship) office at TUB (Z. building 101/A). Workers(part time): coordinator, assistant coordinator, program assistant, financial assistant.

Regular meetings on submodule coordinators and operative committee level (approx 1/week, see minutes of the meetings).

Permanent contacts with companies (Dunaferr, Human Institute Ms. Mádliné dr. Maár Ilona and representatives of different companies), leading to the final selection of modules, curriculum development, formulation of contract between enterprise - students.

Permanent contacts with faculties and TUB, leading to the legalisation of the educational form.

Preparing information materials helping the recruition process of students informing enterprises and educational institutions about the new educational form (eg. meetings with human resources directors, members of the university council, students).

Joint work with the consortium members, in this period especially with CNAM, Engineer 2000 (M.Sol, director ESCPI and his colleagues - know-how) and Dunaferr.

Investigation of legal and financial background . Many consultations have been made, some reports have been prepared or are in a preparation stage on this subject).

Preparation of the events planned for fall 96 (official opening, press conference, tutors' training, new modules, involving further enterprises etc.)


The educational process is organized in educational modules. Each student has a professional (main) module and management, communication, language (English) modules.

Professional modules (Submodules 3-6).

They are related to different faculties of TUB. At this moment 4 faculties are involved in sandwich type education.

The activities at 3 faculties and modules were similar (Faculty of Civil engineering - Steel structures module, Faculty of Electrical engineering and informatics - System and process engineering module, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Environmental technics):

- curriculum development and harmonisation with enterprises (regular visits to Dunaújváros, formation of the list of professional areas interesting for the enterprises),

- informing the deans of the faculties, investigation of the fact how the sandwich type education can be integrated in the teaching process on faculty level, formal acceptance of the new educational form,

- preparation of information materials, information of students about the module, participation in recruitment procedure.

- there is an intensive search for further enterprises interested in these modules.

The activities of the Faculty of Architecture - Architecture module is under preparation, collection of interested enterprises, summarization of demands etc.

Management, Communication, Language (English) modules (submodules 7-9). - curriculum development and harmonisation with enterprises, legal acceptance on the level of the Faculty of Natural and Social Sciences.


We follow the same structure here, as in the case of the description of activities.


The project is ready (in a technical sense) for the wide use of Internet communication for interaction with partners and students, for distribution of learning materials and for "advertisement" of activities. is foreseen. The first materials has been appeared in the system (WWW address:


- The management, administration of the project is formed, the tasks are divided among the different participants (steering committee, operative committee, submodule coordinators).

- The main bodies, who may be interested in sandwich type education (enterprises, faculties, students) are informed about the existence of project.

- The legal background on university level is achieved (vice rector's decision about the status of students, credit points, student hostels etc.).

- A model type contract (company - student) is elaborated with Dunaferr. (It was signed by 14 students).

- At this moment 18 students are enroled in the education (Steel structures module 4, Environmental technics module 14). During the academic period some more student can join the course.


Professional modules (Submodules 3-6).

- 3 curricula were developed and harmonised with specialists of Dunaferr company (Environmental technics, System and process engineering, Steel structures).

- These 3 curricula were accepted by the faculties (the method of acceptance depends on the given faculty, eg. Mechanical Engineering by the decision of Faculty Council).

- The education has began in 2 modules (Environmental technics, Steel structures) in September 96.

Management, Communication, Language (English) modules (submodules 7-9). Curriculum development and beginning of education in September 96.


The budget of Working period 1 contains 3 types of costs .

There are no significant differences between budget and actual expenses in equipment and direct costs.

The differences in personal costs can be explained basically by the delay in the formulation of the rules of payment and the complicated and slow procedure of payment at TUB (in case of signed contracts). We underline that the work indicated in the activity plan has been done in all subject areas.


All activities (described in ANNEX A3) were carried out in the given period.

There are no changes in comparison to the Timetable of the application (October 95) and the Actualised Activity plan no.1 (May 96).

The work regularly is monitored and evaluated by the corresponding organs of the project.


The project is co-ordinated by the project manager Dr. Peter Moson . He spends 1/3 of time (3 hours/day) for these tasks.

The co-ordination was supported by 2 assistant co-ordinators (part time), a secretary (part time), and 1 (part time) auxiliary person.

For details please see Financial report WP1 attached.

The project is implemented according to the application. The most important participants are:

steering committee (7 members) representing the consortium,

operative committee of TUB (6 members - the co-ordinator, 4 representatives of professional modules - M. Iványi, T. Lajos, I. Loványi, T. Matuscsák , information technology Á. Nagy).

The 9 basic units (submodules) of the project are co-ordinated by (in case of more than one co-ordinator the name of responsible is underlined)

- 1. Information technology - Á. Nagy,

- 2. General management - common activities - P. Moson,

- 3. Architecture module - T.Matuscsák, Z. Rostás,

- 4. Environment module - T. Lajos, M. Parti,

- 5. Process engineering module - P. Arató, I. Loványi,

- 6. Steel structure module - M. Iványi, L. Dunai,

- 7. English communication module - J. Sárvári,

- 8. Native communication module - É. Kelemen,

- 9. Management module - J. Hóka, J. Gelegonya.

The activities of the persons not mentioned at the beginning are paid on the basis of the work really performed.


Activities planned until the end. We follow the Detailed Plan of Activities (Co-finance Agreement A3). There is no need to revise. The basic activities will be: regular work of the system (information technology, administration, educational process, permanent contacts between the consortium members, especially with CNAM, university-enterprises), structure of alternating engineering education (legal, financial, methodological etc. background), extension involving more economy, faculties, other higher educational institutions.

At this moment it seems that the objectives formulated in the application can be completed in the given time period.

The budget is realistic. The delayed payments of Working period 1 will be paid soon. We would like to finance the project in Working periods 2-4. according to Tables of ANNEX B.

The participants of the project can not see now any more risks than those formulated earlier. Ie:

The success of this kind of formation depends on the interest of industry. All consortium partners ought to work in this direction, especially with their national companies.

long term financing (industrial, academic session costs, apprentices' salary, etc.)

national and international recognition of high quality of the formation as an apprenticeship (which is different from both initial and continuing training) must be obtained.

For the whole description of activities see timetable.