Sorry for some convertation problems (especially in Tables)
Directorate General XXII - Education, Training and Youth
PhareJoint European Project
Intermediate Report for 1998/99
The Intermediate Report is to be returned in TWO copies by registered mail
by 15 April 1999 at the latest
(date as per postmark)
One copy to: |
One copy to: |
Commission of the European Communities |
European Training Foundation |
Directorate-General XXII |
Mr. P. Bedewell |
Education, Training and Youth |
Head of Tempus Department |
Mr. G. Massangioli |
Viale Settimio Severo, 65 |
Head of Unit |
I - 10133 TORINO (Italy) |
B-7 8/49 |
rue de la Loi, 200 |
B - 1049 Bruxelles (Belgium) |
The Intermediate Report has to be signed by the person legally authorised to represent the Contracting Institution.
I, the undersigned, certify that the information given in the present Intermediate Report is correct to the best of my knowledge and is endorsed by all institutions participating in the Joint European Project concerned.
Done at : Budapest, Hungary..............................................................................
Date : April 9, 1999..............................................................................
Name : .
Four months into the life-cycle of the project, you are asked to complete an Intermediate Report. The main aim of the Intermediate Report is to report on expenses and activities for 1998/99 more precisely. The objective of the project and consequently the main activities should, however, remain the same as planned in the Original Application.
The Intermediate Report will be assessed and when approved will have contractual value and be the basis for the monitoring of your project by the Commission.
The maximum amount of the grant is stated in the Special Provisions of the Contract. Please note that the activities and the distribution of the budget can only be modified within the total grant for the given year. Further changes to the breakdown of the budget (beyond the limits given in the Contract) and the proposed activities cannot be introduced without prior written approval from the Commission.
Ÿ This document should be typewritten on the forms provided.Ÿ Please do not forget to fill in the Contract number at the top of each page.Ÿ The Intermediate Report should be completed by the Contractor.Ÿ Please send two copies.Ÿ Faxed forms will not be accepted.Ÿ Failure to return the Intermediate Report by 15 April 1999 will result in an automatic request for reimbursement of the first instalment of the grant for the given year.Ÿ You MUST send your Intermediate Report by registered mail. Only receipts from post offices and official carriers will be accepted as proof of dispatch.
Part I
Please provide the budget breakdown for 1998/99 on the basis of the amounts indicated in the Special Provisions of your contract.
BUDGET (ECU) 1998/99 |
1998 - 1999 |
Tempus |
Other sources |
1 |
Staff costs |
28811 |
12150 |
1.1 |
Administrative tasks |
28811 |
12150 |
1.2 |
Academic tasks |
0 |
2 |
Travel & subsistence |
71435 |
19000 |
2.1 |
Staff and/or participants in training |
71435 |
19000 |
51205 |
6000 |
9075 |
8000 |
10165 |
5000 |
990 |
0 |
2.2 |
Students (only if indicated in the contract) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
3 |
Equipment |
16400 |
0 |
4 |
Printing and publishing |
1500 |
2000 |
5 |
Other costs |
400 |
0 |
6 |
Overheads |
3039 |
10000 |
121585 |
43150 |
Part II
Work plan 1998/99
The purpose of this table is to assist both the Contractors and the Commission by focusing on the concrete outputs to be achieved as a measure of the progress of a project. It is important to note that you should provide a complete picture of all of the activities necessary for the achievement of each output during 1998/99.
All planned activities of the project for the first year are expected to be carried out in the given period. Even a quicker extension of results is expected, caused by the favourable development of university - enterprise relations and the legal background.
The deviations are only in the date of fulfilment , caused mainly by the late beginning of the project (instead of November 1998 practically January 1999). We remark, that some activities related to the academic year of the university can not be simply shifted by 2 months (e.g. it is impossible to organise the training of university specialists during the spring semester, so this training will be in June 1999).
Another deviations are caused by the fact, that we have not received yet the financial support (e.g. only the absolutely necessary equipment has been purchased).
We underline that there is a real chance to complete all planned for the first year activities. (But if we had not receive the TEMPUS budget by May 1999 /the time of the first foreign training/, it would lead to important losses.)
PS. Please find detailed information about the activities of the project (application, reports, timetable of activities, minutes, final variants of documents etc.) on the Internet:
WORKPLAN for 1st project year
Outputs/Activities |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
A |
pr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
1. "Engineer 2000 Hungary” office |
O |
1.1.Staff recruitment, equipment purchase |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
1.2. Consortium meeting |
X |
2. Documentation about the alternating education |
Þ |
2.1. Preparation of basic documentation |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X |
2.2. Pilot use of documentation, evaluation |
X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X = |
X X X X |
3. Creating networks and training of the personal |
Þ |
3.1. Establ. of 5 networks of trained specialists |
X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X |
X X |
X X X X = |
X X X X = |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
4. Pilot and regular work of alternating training |
Þ |
4.1. Piloting of system in existing sandwich modules |
X X X X |
X X X X |
4.2. Organization of new modules, proposals |
X X X X |
X X |
X X |
X X X X |
X X X X |
Deadline for achievement of output: O
Activities carried out in the partner country: X
Activities carried out in the EU: =
If necessary, please use additional sheets of same format.
Your name: Peter Moson
Full address: Technical University of Budapest
H - 1521 Budapest Country code Postal code Town |
This page of the form will be returned to you on receipt of your Intermediate Report. Therefore please enter your name and address in the box above.
For internal use only.
We acknowledge receipt of your 1998/99 Intermediate Report for the
Joint European Project No.
under the Tempus Phare Scheme.
Yours sincerely,
Place, ........................................ Date, ...............................