1. Cover sheet

Report - Working Period 4

(September 1, 1997 - February 28, 1998)

Contract number: 0101-L012/32

Co-ordinating institution: Technical University of Budapest

Project title: SANDWICH

Name of the author: Dr. Peter Moson, co-ordinator of the project

Phone: 36-1-463-26-90.

Fax: 36-1-463-12-91

email: moson@tutor.nok.bme.hu , www: http://tutor.nok.bme.hu

Author of the financial part: Ildikó Varga, assistant co-ordinator

Phone: 36-1-463-23-97

Fax: 36-1-463-25-61

Date: April 15, 1998

2. Professional part

The aim of this project is the establishment of the structure of long cycle alternating higher educational forms in engineering leading to diploma, based on the adaptation of international experiences (especially apprenticeship - CNAM, France), and real demands of Hungarian enterprises. The realization is carried out through pilot modules.

The activities in Working Period 4. followed the plans elaborated in CA and the Report of Working period 3. The work in the project according to the above reports is divided in 9 sub-modules (Information technology, General management of the project, Professional /4 technical and 3 human type education/ modules).

This report contains a summary of common activities led by the coordinator (General management module). A more detailed description, especially related to the other modules please find attached and on the Internet: http://tutor.nok.bme.hu. Please see part Staff, sub-modules. (In the table below we often refer to a linked /with hot word technique/ document).

2.A. Table of realized activities

Here we simply repeat the list of planned activities (collected in a common table) according to the actualized Working plan of Report 3 and add further activities if applicable. We remind the modular structure of the project:

- 1. Information technology - Á. Nagy,

- 2. General management - common activities - P. Moson,

- 3. Architecture module - T.Matuscsák, R..Klujber,

- 4. Environment module - T. Lajos, M. Parti,

- 5. Process engineering module - P. Arató, I. Loványi,

- 6. Steel structure module - M. Iványi, L. Dunai,

- 7. English communication module - J. Sárvári,

- 8. Native communication module - É. Kelemen, M. Perger,

- 9. Management module - J. Hóka.

Activities realized in WP. 4

Activities Time Document

4.1. Extension - enterprises (needs analysis, answers) 09.97-02.98

4.2. Extension - ministry (reports, proposals) 01.98-03.98

4.3. Extension - students, universities (publicity - papers, meetings eg. Hungarian Rectors' Conference) 09.97-03.98

4.4. Extension - projects (TEMPUS, Leonardo) 01-03.98

4.5. Consortium meeting (minutes, presentations) 7-9.11.97

4.6. Academic period (students, Sandwich conference, information of the modules) 09.97-02.978

4.7. Project management (minutes etc.) 09.97-02.98

2.B. Detailed description of Activities

The basic activities of this period were:

1. The final evaluation (jury) of the students' work in industrial period (Spring 97) and the 2nd academic period (Fall 97) in 4 professional modules for all together 33 students.

2. Evaluation of the project at Gálosfa (Hungary) with the participation of all main actors: students, enterprise (human resources, industrial tutors), university (management, academic tutors), foreign partners (CNAM, Ingénieurs 2000, IBISTRA), Phare evaluator, representative of ministry etc. Formulation of proposals .

3. Actions for sustainability (esp. financial type. proposals to the ministry to create the legal and financial background of long term functioning; further application to EU /TEMPUS, LEONARDO/ to help in the transitory phase, and extension (to other enterprises carried out by Dunaferr, to other universities carried out mainly by TUB with the participation of other consortium partners).

Please find a detailed description of activities below followed by a short evaluation and risk analysis.

Summary of activities (September 1, 97 - March 98):

September 1-7., 1997. Visit of the coordinator to CNAM (Paris).

Main events:

September, 1997. Preparation of the meeting of Hungarian module managers. (see invitation)

September 26, 97. Meeting of the module managers. (minutes)

Main events:

Main deadlines:

October 97. Preparation of the Final evaluation, Consortium meeting. Information about the Sandwich Conference (paper in the journal of TUB: Jövő mérnöke, poster), preparatory materials for the meetings with PDG (President Director General) of Dunaferr, M. Lebreton (Embassy of France), reports about the activities of modules (environment-management).

November 5, 97. Dunaferr, Dunaújváros. Meeting at István Horváth (president director general). Participants: Dr. M. Zsíros (Human Resources Director), Timea Zupkó (director, Human Institute), Ch. Sol (director, CNAM-ESCPI), P. Moson (coordinator). The project was evaluated both by I. Horváth and the French partner. The questions of continuation, extension were discussed. An activity plan (containing important participation of enterprises) has been accepted.

November 6, 97. Budapest. High level personnel of the French Embassy was informed about the project. Participants (Mr. H. Lebreton councillor, Mr. D. Pladys attaché, Mr. Ch. Sol director, CNAM-ESCPI, Mr. J-S. Chantome (Ingénieurs 2000), P. Moson coordinator. The project was evaluated and the French participation in the follow up was discussed.

November 6, 97. Budapest. Dr. A . Penninger (director TANOK, TUB) was informed about the project. The participation of TUB and especially Dr. Penningers' organization in the follow up was discussed. The structure of an Ingénieurs 2000 type Hungarian organisation was under investigation.

November 6, 97. Budapest. SANDWICH CONFERENCE. (detailed program). The project was presented to students of TUB. The program contained presentations of industrial period by the students, information about the education (Dunaferr, TUB), delivery of Dunaferr prize, discussion.

November 7-9. Gálosfa, Hungary. Consortium meeting. The aim of this meeting was to summarise and evaluate the activities carried out by different consortium members, formulate the basic results, the direction of development, investigate the follow up of the project. The 40 participants represented all basic partners - students, enterprises (human resources directors, tutors engineers), foreign partners (French - CNAM, Ingénieurs 2000, German - IBISTRA), university (module managers, university tutors), Phare consultant (L. Hollán), Ministry of Culture (E. Udvardy Lakos). The meeting was chaired by the coordinator (P. Moson). After the meeting the general opinion was: The experiment of alternating education of engineers was successful. The continuation is recommended. Based on the experience new tasks were formulated in all important fields (organizational, educational, financial, legislative, diversification).

Short summary of the program:

Day 1. All consortium members presented their activities (most of presentations see attached) and evaluated the previous work. The presentations (in chronological order): introduction (P. Moson), Dunaferr (T. Zupko), CNAM (Ch. Sol), IBISTRA (Th. Pfau), TUB Steel structures (L. Dunai), TUB Process engineering (I. Lovanyi), TUB Architecture (T. Matuscsak), TUB Environment - management (written M. Parti, oral L.Tömösy), Human modules (English, Hungarian communication, management - J. Zákány), Information technology (Á. Nagy). The presentation was followed by a vital discussion with participation of other colleagues (e.g. industrial tutors: M. Nyirő, J. Pallag, students). The main ideas of the discussion are reflected in Ms. Zupko's presentation (based on earlier discussions as well see October, November). The results will be summarized later in the part suggestions. Some topics discussed: motivation of different participants (learners, enterprise, university), the optimal profile of the learners (very good level, normal level - interest in applications,...), case studies about the relations between learners and industrial tutors.

Day 2.The future of the alternating type education in Hungary was investigated. The discussion was around 3 questions formulated to the main participants: (i) willingness to continue the project, if yes: (ii) plans for the future, (iii) conditions of participation. All partners have emphasized their interest in continuation. The presentations (in chronological order): Students (They would like to concentrate on the professional work, but they are ready for presentations, publicity of the new educational method. Later the question of a learners' organization /club/ can be investigated.), Architecture T.Matuscsak (they have just began the first academic period. Problems of finances were presented - tax reduction, legislation, motivation of tutors, working periods abroad.), Faculty of Electrical Engineers I. Lovanyi (homogenization /evaluation, tutorial work etc./, diversification /new enterprises/, earlier recruitment of learners /large need in informaticians - the students are not "free" after the 6th semester), Steel structures L. Dunai (They would like to decide the strategy after the graduation of this 12 students. The importance of motivation of students, tutors was underlined.), Social sciences J. Zákány, M. Perger (homogenization for larger groups, problems of foreign language education - different level, how to choose the language, problems to find teachers in native communication), German relation, IBISTRA Th. Pfau (plans for the formation of a foundation with participation of the Business Club of German Enterprises and other partners), French relation, CNAM Ch. Sol (quick resolution of financial questions is needed, structural proposition - new Ingénieurs 2000 type Hungarian organization, development to discuss eg. motivation of university tutors, credits for the industrial period), Enterprise Ms. T. Zupko Dunaferr (active, on the highest level participation, in the continuation, diversification /MIKOSZ/; proposal that 0.2% of adult education taxes can be used for alternating education, need in homogenization, central office), university P. Moson TUB (willingness of TUB to continue the experience, Dr. Penninger's agree about the new organizational structure), Phare L. Hollán consultant (the consultant underlined that for these type of new initiatives first of all belief and enthusiasm is needed on behalf of participants, but of course all partners ' task is to look for the optimal financial conditions. He asked for the diversification in 2 senses: (i) to involve new enterprises, (ii) to involve other higher education institutions), Ministry of Education E. Udvardi Lakos (he presented the problems in the legislative and financial support in case of introduction of new educational forms). At the final part of the plenary meeting proposals based on the experiment were formulated (see minutes prepared by the financial assistant coordinator Ms. I. Varga).

November 13, 1997. Budapest, Neumann Foundation. Dr. Pfau discussed with the coordinator details about the Fond for support of German firms to participate in the diversification of the project.

November 17-18, 1997. Extension. Francoforum.

Day 1. The project was presented by the coordinator at the Colloquium on French-Hungarian Enterprise-University relations (organized by French Embassy and Hungarian Ministry of Culture). The same day the coordinator co-chaired a section of this meeting.

Day 2. The visitors of Francoforum (a job market type meeting organized by the students of 3 higher educational institutions) were informed.

These days were visited by high level diplomats (French, Belgian ambassadors), Hungarian secretary of state, representatives of French firms, other educational institutions, learners. There were encouraging talks of Ch. Sol, P. Moson with M. Peyresaubes (president of French-Hungarian Chamber of Trade and Industry).

December 97. Final professional and financial plans. The activities and the detailed financial issues were defined based on the reports of all 9 modules in the project. The main task for the remaining period: continuation of education, information about the results achieved, determination of the best conditions for the continuation, extension.

January 98. Plans for continuation, extension. The coordinator (after consultations with Ms. Moro /Dunaferr/, Prof. Sol /CNAM/, Prof. Penninger /TUB/ prepared a strategic plan for the extension of the project. According to this plan the main objectives are the increase of participating enterprises and higher educational institutions. At this moment the contributions are: Dunaferr (to involve more enterprises, initiatives in the direction of changes in Hungarian legislation /to create the long time legal and financial conditions of alternating education/); CNAM (to share experience in university-enterprise relation, preserve the international character of activities, investigation of further financial support in LEONARDO project); TUB (organization of a special unit /similar to Ingénieurs 2000 in France/ for supporting university - enterprise relations and educational process, investigation of further financial support in TEMPUS project).

The project is seeking for other partners to realize these plans.


January 26, 98. Industrial days. TUB - Budapest . Presentation of the activities by Dr. L. Dunai (Steel structure module). For the objectives of this event see January 14-15, 97. Industrial days. TUB - Budapest.

January,98. Paper prepared by Ms. I. Mihály (Ministry of Labour) contains a description of training and it will appear in periodical "Magyar Felsőoktatás".

March 7, 97. The coordinator took part and delivered a lecture at the meeting of young Hungarian economists "EDUCATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT".

February 12-14, 1998. Visit of the coordinator to CNAM (Paris).

MM. Ch. Sol and F. Laulan took part in the discussion on behalf of ESCPI, CNAM. The French partner was informed about the current situation of educational process. The extension plans were finalized based on the documents prepared by Dunaferr (in Hungarian), TUB (in Hungarian), CNAM (in French). The responsible: LEONARDO - MM. Sol, Laulan, TEMPUS - P. Moson. The partners basic tasks are:

February 27. 1998. TUB module managers meeting.

Participants: L. Dunai, I. Lovanyi, P. Moson, M. Perger, J. Sarvari; earlier consulted with the coordinator: J. Hoka, M. Parti. The coordinator proposed the discussion of the following 4 questions:

  1. Phare evaluation. The participants were informed about the (positive) evaluation.
  2. The education process. The learners (first and second year) began their industrial period according to the plans. The questions concerning the DE of foreign language and management, final professional themes (first year students), registration in TUB NEPTUN system were discussed.
  3. Reports. The coordinator asked the module managers to prepare the 4th period (Sept. 1, 97 - Febr. 28, 98) for March 15. June 11-13, 1998 a common meeting of the whole Phare project will be held in Balatonszeplak, Hungary. The project will send 4 participants, including a student.
  4. Extension. The extension plans (see e.g. visit of the coordinator to Paris) were discussed, including the tasks of each participant.

The colleagues raised the problem of continuation of education of present learners after the end of the project. The coordinator will investigate the financial and organizational questions and inform the managers in 2 weeks time.

March 6, 98. Meeting at TUB. Participants: A. Penninger (TANOK director), L. Dunai, P. Moson, M. Perger, I. Varga. The problems of continuation and extension of alternating education activities were discussed. A. Penninger informed the participants about his decision to create an organisational unit at TANOK:


Winter, 98. Investigation of legal, financial background of the alternating education.

1. Mr. I. Horváth Chairman of the Board, General Director of the Dunaferr Ironworks CO has prepared a document summarizing the experience obtained at this company in alternating education and formulated some proposals for the future.

The first part of the document (5 pages) evaluates the project as a success and describes the general principles of this educational experience, and the details of first industrial period (work done by the students, tutorship, evaluation).

The second part (4 pages) raises the questions to decide from legal, financial, organizational viewpoints. It contains proposals as well.

The document has been sent to the Ministry of Culture and Public Education.

2. Mr. E. Udvardi Lakos counselor of the ministry above has prepared a document (11.03.98) about the financing of enterprise - higher education cooperation. The basic variants of this proposal are:

- to allow to use a part (0.2-0.5%) of the professional education tax (1.5% of total salary amount) for higher education as well,

- To increase the tax above by 0.5% specially dedicated to this objective,

- to introduce some tax reduction at the enterprises, which have similar activities.

The topics will be discussed on ministry and governmental level.

March 98. Further participation in EU projects

There is an intensive work in preparation of LEONARDO (CNAM, Mr. Laulan, Sol) and TEMPUS project (TUB Mr. .Moson). The plans are discussed among the partners (CNAM, Dunaferr, TUB, German, Hungarian partners).

There is an intensive work (mainly done by Dunaferr) to involve other enterprises, chambers etc. Several positive reflections were received.

The coordinator regularly informs other organizations interested (Hungarian, French TEMPUS Office, Hungarian Rectors' Conference etc).

The future students are informed by different ways as well (e.g. a paper published in the TUB students' journal: Jövő mérnöke /Engineer of the Future/.


Similarly to the previous working periods the activities follow the plans, there are no significant changes in the professional part of the project.

The educational process (academic period, preparation of industrial period) has been carried out according to the practice of previous year, and has become a routine. It can be evaluated positively. However many questions are to solve, some of them were discussed at the Gálosfa project meeting.

The main task of this period was to summarize the results obtained and guarantee their sustainability (based on extension). The project has proved the possibility of successful alternating education (especially of methodological point of view). There is a permanent joint work of Dunaferr, CNAM, TUB, some other consortium partners were active as well. Some results have been obtained in the fields of legalization, financial background, involving more enterprises, universities as well, but there is much to do.


We return back to the main risk factors formulated in the previous report:

"The success of this kind of formation depends on the interest of industry.

Dunaferr (esp. president director I. Horváth) was active in this direction (publication of documents, letters to other directors). There are several positive answers, expression of interest of largest Hungarian enterprises, but their real participation is a task of future.

"Some additional risk may be caused by the frequent fluctuation of administrative personal and the general technical and human level of information technology"

This factor together with the move of the office and the server to other places caused more problems. TUB has decided to create a new office with permanent staff, it will probably solve them.

"The education is realized on faculty level. It has some advantages, but the harmonization of 9 sub-modules is a complex task."

The harmonization was discussed in detail at the Galosfa meeting. The treatment of this questions will be a task of the office mentioned above.

"In some cases there exists a demand of enterprise, but there is not enough interest of students".

The interest of students depends on their profession and the need in this type of engineers. Where this demand is important (e.g. informatics) other methodology is necessary.

"The long term financing of the training probably will be clear by the end of the project."

To avoid the problems in this transitory phase 2 more projects (TEMPUS, Leonardo) were presented to EU. The office at TUB, the activity of Dunaferr help to solve this question.

Phare amount budgeted: ECU

Phare amount spent: ECU

List of equipment bought in the given period:

See financial report.

2.C. Human resources employed, personal costs

See financial report.

Activities planned by the end of the project

The academic activity will go on (in this sense - even if there is no continuation - the end is in summer 1999). TUB is willing to open new modules.

The consortium members continue the activities to the extension.

Evidently all reports, presentations required by Phare will be prepared.