Detailed work plan

Activity Anticipated


First meeting with the authors to work out a detailed work schedule and to define work style 15 / 11 / 96
Information on DE requirements is given to the authors 22 / 11 / 96
Graphic experts are selected 22 / 11 / 96
Negotiations with at least three pressing houses 07 / 12 / 96
Expert for editing the printed materials is selected 30 / 11 / 96
The format of the printed materials is defined 14 / 12 / 96
The first chapters are received from the author of the home nursing material 14 / 12 / 96
The first chapters of the home nursing material are re-edited 21 / 12 / 96
The first chapters are received from the autsshor of the family doctor retraining material 21 / 12 / 96
Discussions with the two authors on the edited versions of the two materials - decisions on modifications 07 / 01 / 97
Authors give instructions about the production of figures 07 / 01 / 97
Text is received from the authors of both subjects 28 / 02 / 97
Study tour at Mid-Sweden University, Östersund 1-6 / 02 / 97
Discussions with the editors on links with audio and video tapes 15 / 02 / 97
Starting date of multimedia screenplay preparation 10 / 03 / 97
Synopsis for the video in home nursing

Starting date of video- and audiorecording

17 / 03 / 97
Starting date of multimedia course material development 24 / 03 / 97
Paper based distance learning material on home nursing is edited 31 / 03 / 97
Paper based distance learning material on family doctor retraining in the field of stroke is edited 21 / 03 / 97
Authors comment the edited paper based versions 07 / 04 / 97
Re-editing the paper based versions

Assessment and evaluation of the first chapters of the multimedia course material

14 / 04 / 97
TQM expert's comment on the edited paper based versions 21 / 04 / 97
Edition of paper based versions is finalised 28 / 04 / 97
Printing of paper based versions 04 / 05 / 97
Distribution of printed paper based materials 09 / 05 / 97
First day of family doctor and home nurse mentor training 10 / 05 / 97
Second day of family doctor and home nursing mentor training 24 / 05 / 97
Completion of multimedia development, final technical measures, production of Cds 31 / 05 / 97
Third day of family doctor and home nurse mentor training 14 / 06 / 97
Starting dates of family doctor and home nursing training in Pécs and Vác 26-27/06/97
Completion date of family doctor and home nurse training in Pécs and Vác 11 / 10 / 97
Workshop to evaluate and assess the distance education courses 03-07/11/97