Key Task 6:

To provide accreditation of the result of distance learning programme / to provide a recommendation on the acceptance of the programme

As part of the project the legal frames of the education in terms of accreditation of the distance learning of family doctors and nurses should be ensured. This accreditation should correspond to the following requirements:

-the courses should fit into the education system of Hungary defined by the Law of Public Education and Law of Higher education,

-the certificate isued should correspond to the level of knowledge and skills acquired, assessed and evaluated by independent board of examiners,

-credit (and credit accumulation) system should be introduced in order to make the inservice training possible, taking the workload of the students into consideration

-the credit system should be extended towards continuing (lifelong) education of family doctors and nurses possible

The assessment an evaluation system as well as the accreditation of the courses will be elaborated in close collaboration with the relavant departments of the Ministry of Welfare and Ministry of Culture and Education. In this process the approachers and experiences of European Union countries should also be assessed and considered.