23-25 June 1997.
Professor Georges van der Perre, President of EuroPACE 2000, Belgium (Chair)
Professor Károly Kocsis, Rector, Acting Vice-President, National Council of Distance Education (Co-Chair)
Professor László Méray, Co-Chair of the Local Organising Committee, Hungary
Dr András Benedek, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Hungary
Mr Claudio Dondi, SCIENTER, Italy
Mr Marc Durando, Head of SOCRATES Technical Assistance Office
Professor Boris Galabov, National Centre for Distance Education, Bulgaria
Mr Kari Lampikoski, Director of Research and Development, Institute of Marketing, Finland
Dr Gottfried Leibbrandt, National Commission for UNESCO, The Netherlands
Mr Richard Lewis, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Student, Tutorial and Regional Services, Open University
Profesor Valery Meskov, Deputy Chairman, Russian State Committee for Higher Education
Professor Michel Moreau, Rector, CNED, France
Professor Jacques Vauthier, Co-Chair of the EDEN-EADTU Joint Task Force
Mr James Wimberley, Head of Higher Education Section, Council of Europe
Ms Judy Frankl, Executive Secretary, EDEN
The conference will consist of plenaries with invited, keynote speakers, parallel sessions with speakers submitting papers, special workshops, panel discussions and presentations of case studies addressing different aspects of the theme. Exhibition space will also be available for ODL networks, providers of ODL and/or related advanced information technology. There will also be a cultural programme.
Contributions are invited for consideration by the Programme Committee, on the following themes:
Please send your 250 words abstract before: 15 January to:
EDEN Secretariat UK
PO Box 92, Milton Keynes MK7 DX, UK
Tel: ++ 44 (0) 1908 654147
Fax:++ 44 (0) 1908 654374
e-mail: eden@open.ac.ukFurther details may be obtained from the EDEN Secretariat UK. Final manuscripts will be required by 30 April 1997 in order that they may be available at the conference. Registration forms for the conference will be available in January 1997.